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removing WPs in DerivationFrameworkFlavourTag/python/ which are not supported by the xAODBTaggingEfficiencyTool

Buddhadeb Mondal requested to merge bmondal/athena:fixBTagTopq4 into 21.2


With recent restructuring in xAODBTaggingEfficiencyTool [1] only these btag WP are supported [2]. During derivation production some formats (eg TOPQ4, EXOT8, JETM7, HDBS1) uses this function applyBTagging() [3] to attach decorations about whether or not jet passed given btagWP. the hardcoded btagAlglist [4] in this function is now causing trouble as not all the WP are supported in xAODBTaggingEfficiencyTool. This commit removes hardcoded WPs in DerivationFrameworkFlavourTag/python/ which are not supported by the xAODBTaggingEfficiencyTool.

This was causing TOPQ4 to fail the ARTs (

[1] !53966 (merged)




Edited by Buddhadeb Mondal

Merge request reports
