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Bugfix for JvtEfficiencyTool

Michael Holzbock requested to merge miholzbo/athena:bugfix-Jvt into master

This MR fixes a bug spotted by @chscheul (thanks!) which was introduced in !57861 (merged) and effectively turns off the pile-up jet veto when using the JetJvtEfficiencyTool with the current recommendation. As the tool is used within METMaker this also affected the MET reconstruction, in the sense that no pile-up jets have been rejected. In addition, the MR makes also some further small adjustments and additions:

  • fixing the default cut file name for the TightFwd NNJvt WP
  • adding a Tenacious MET WP based on NNJvt
  • changing the default of METSignificance to PFlow jets
  • switch from AnaToolHandle to ToolHandle

Tagging @hpacey, @jjwilkin and @aoneill as interested parties.

Edited by Michael Holzbock

Merge request reports
