Daily merge of 23.0 into master
No conflicts today
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !63148 (merged) TrigT1CaloUtils/SystemEnergy: Fix etSumTrigger() Trigger
- !63138 (merged) InputConverter: Refactoring Simulation
- !63143 (merged) Remove unused EventBoost and ReweightTools Generators
- !63146 (merged) fix to add trigger menu data to L1CALO RAW data derivation (ATR-27551) Derivation
- !63077 (merged) improve CPU time for hit-based DV (ATR-27489, ATR-27493, ATR-24742) Trigger, changes-trigger-counts
- !63122 (merged) remove check on the existence of the decorator in EgammaVariableCorrection Analysis, Egamma
- !63078 (merged) Drop the obsolete functions isGenInteracting and isGenSimulStable Analysis, Egamma, Generators, JetEtmiss, Reconstruction, Simulation
- !63033 (merged) Suggested MR to split the barcode and the particle origin Analysis, BTagging, DQ, Derivation, EDM, Egamma, Generators, HGTD, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss, MuonSpectrometer, Reconstruction, Simulation, Trigger
- !63140 (merged) 23.0-ATLASRECTS-7563-PixelCalibAlgs InnerDetector, Simulation
- !63134 (merged) InputConverter: Clean-up ahead of refactoring Simulation
- !63142 (merged) Set AlfaCtpin flag for ART tests, fixes ATR-27542 Reconstruction, Trigger
- !63136 (merged) egamma ART: Fix chmod for one test Egamma, Reconstruction
- !63135 (merged) Tier0ChainTests: add a test with a recent run Tools
- !63141 (merged) TrfTestsART: Add new data23 AthenaMT reco with CA test Tools
- !63103 (merged) Silence (harmless?) warnings from xAODEventSelector Core, Database
- !63070 (merged) STG Raw Data Monitoring plots for the padtrigger DQ, MuonSpectrometer
- !62953 (merged) add HLT jet trigger kinematic variables for FTAG3 BTagging, Derivation
- !62922 (merged) Remove the barcodes where possible Analysis, BTagging, DQ, Derivation, EDM, Egamma, EventDisplay, Generators, InnerDetector, JetEtmiss, MuonSpectrometer, Reconstruction, Simulation, Tracking, Trigger