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Update L/M/T cuts for eEM threshold [ATR-27067] and implement checks of nesting [ATR-27796]

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:23.0-TMMT-eEM_EtaDepLMT into 23.0

As a consequence of !63577 (merged) implementing the first iteration of ATR-27067, we realised (ATR-27796) that L1Calo PID thresholds not obeying a strict ordering in every eta bin can cause unintuitive behaviour. Notably, modifying only the Tight cut with reta being looser than Medium in specific eta bins resulted in L1CaloSim/FW differences leaking into the Medium definition:

  • If an event passes Tight, L1CaloSim concludes that Mediumis passed, hence looseningTightregionally caused count increases inMedium`
  • If an event fails Medium, the FW would conclude that Tight is failed, hence candidates could fail Tight despite passing the numerical thresholds -- opposite to what L1CaloSim would do

To avoid this, @watsona suggested to enforce that T >= M >= L is satisfied for each variable's working points in every eta bin when the thresholds are defined in the menu. This check fails as follows for the problematic cuts when running PhysicsP1_pp_run3_v1:

Py:TriggerMenuMT:TypeWideThresholdConfig   ERROR Medium_reta_fw (92) > Tight_reta_fw (86) for eta bin -25
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/bin/", line 44, in <module>
    sys.exit( main() )
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/bin/", line 39, in main
  File "/cvmfs/", line 200, in generateL1Menu
    l1cfg = L1MenuConfig(
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/", line 73, in __init__
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/", line 90, in _generate
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/", line 735, in _generateMenu
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/Base/", line 379, in checkPtMinToTopo
    ttconfig = getTypeWideThresholdConfig(thrtype,self.do_HI_tob_thresholds)
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/Config/", line 92, in getTypeWideThresholdConfig
    return getConfig_eEM()
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/Config/", line 268, in getConfig_eEM
  File "/lustre/fs22/group/atlas/tjkhoo/athena_dev/TMMT-alt/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/L1/Config/", line 64, in validate_ordering
    assert leq_all_eta(_lesser,_greater), f"Working point ordering violated for {}, {}"
AssertionError: Working point ordering violated for Medium_reta_fw, Tight_reta_fw

The check is preemptively implemented for jEM, jTAU, cTAU and eTAU as well.

The python check handles either both WPs being eta-dependent or both being eta-independent. Cross-comparisons could be implemented too, but as they are not currently necessary, such comparisons are identified as an error condition.

New eta-dependent eEM L,M,T cuts that satisfy the ordering principle were optimised by @thompson @hillier and are also included here.

The C++ implementation is done by defining comparison operators for the WorkingPoints_[thresholdtype] class, so that the enforcement check can in principle be applied to ValueWithEtaDependence<T> where T is a numerical type. This is chosen to evaluate as WP1 < WP2 if that holds for every value in all eta bins, which may not be entirely intuitive (in particular the behaviour of >, which is only true if this is satisfied in at least one eta bin, but < is satisfied in none) . Technically, only one (> or <) operator would need to be defined, but this would likely be more confusing. Note: this would have been much nicer in C++20 as it suffices only to overload <=>.

The keys used for the DoubleMenuLoad test referred to a L1 menu with eTAU cuts that did not obey the criteria above, so I have now switched this to check a recent ATN that predates !63577 (merged) (which would also fail). It hasn't been updated since !46711 (merged), so it doesn't hurt to have a more recent one. FYI @stelzer @mark in case either of you would prefer to choose different keys for whatever reason. We could generate the current menu and upload for these purposes, but I don't think it's all that necessary.

As pointed out by @mark, the C++ check on menu load is undesirable because it would break jobs that load older menus which violate the ordering.

@astruebi, @lidiaz

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
