2023-07-04: Daily sweep of 23.0 into master
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !64084 (merged) 23.0-coverity-AthenaServices Core
- !64050 (merged) CaloLCCoeffHelper: Use std::optional instead of manual pointer-handling Calorimeter
- !64055 (merged) Isolate file opening so it does not change gDirectory Database
- !64079 (merged) 23.0-cppcheck-InnerDetector DQ, InnerDetector, Simulation
- !64096 (merged) Fix missing 2->2 vertices in Herwig7/HepMC3 Generators
- !64081 (merged) tauRec: early stopping of tau reconstruction if tau fails AOD thinning pt cut Reconstruction, Tau
- !64070 (merged) InDetConversionFinderTools: rm un-needed TrackParticleBase dependency Egamma, InnerDetector
- !64097 (merged) 23.0-C++20_error-TrkParametersBase Tracking
- !64000 (merged) gather all egammaCaloClusterSelector in one place and tidy Egamma, Reconstruction
- !64068 (merged) MuonIdHelperSvc - Add method to dump the stationNameString MuonSpectrometer
- !64067 (merged) ZdcUtils initial commit ForwardDetectors