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24.0 TRT high threshold tune

Christian Grefe requested to merge cgrefe/athena:24.0-TRTHighThresholdTune into 24.0

Significantly improves the modelling of the number of TRT high-threshold hits, by updating the digitisation parameters. The threshold values were tuned by comparing MC with Run 3 low-mu data. The pile-up dependence is taken into account in the pile-up overlay correction values. These have been tuned using several Run 3 runs at usual pile-up conditions.

A summary of the results was presented in the Simulation Group Meeting on Feb. 13:

More details can be found in these slides by @hadenizl:

The impact on tracking is negligible. A significant change is expected for the number of TRT HT hits and derived quantities like eProbability_HT, which is used for example in electron identification, photon reconstruction and tau electron veto. In the impact has been validated: everything looks as expected.

If possible, this change should go into the release for MC23e, since it significantly improves the modelling of electron identification observables. No significant side effects have been observed in the PhysVal checks.

Tagging: @beddall, @ludovica, @kristin, @ademaria, @sineadf, @martindl

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