2024-04-25: merge of 24.0 into main
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !70857 (merged) Replace printfunc with print Core, Database, EventDisplay, Generators, LAr, Reconstruction, Simulation, Test, Tools
- !70837 (merged) JetRecConfig: Safely unlock clonable children only JetEtmiss, Reconstruction
- !70822 (merged) Adding L1TopoMonitoring Chain for online monitoring DQ, Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !70448 (merged) TruthClassification on muons in jet Analysis, BTagging, Derivation, JetEtmiss
- !70819 (merged) TileMonitoring: Add Tile TB beam chambers calibrations for Run3 DQ, Tile
- !70847 (merged) Generators+Pythia8: remove installation of non-existent files Externals, Generators
- !70821 (merged) IOVDbAutoCfgFlags: fix confusing warning message Database
- !70852 (merged) updating Pixel DB reference file InnerDetector
- !70856 (merged) Removing remnant legacy config from ContentHandler in the derivation framework Derivation
- !70859 (merged) OverlayMetadata: allow last part of the simulation tag to differ Overlay, Simulation
- !70855 (merged) Update L1CaloPhase1Monitoring.py - fix bug in combining iterator with list DQ, L1Calo, Trigger
- !70846 (merged) Disabled interFPGA communication for gFEX from AB to C JetEtmiss, L1Calo, Trigger
- !70807 (merged) ElectronEfficiencyCorrection: Fix test reference Analysis, Egamma
- !70829 (merged) CaloDetDescr: delete unused legacy job options test Calorimeter
- !70839 (merged) Fix for ATLASDQ-1151 Core, DQ
- !70824 (merged) Add a progress printout for HLT chain generation Trigger, TriggerMenu
- !70834 (merged) DecisionSummaryMakerAlg: skip final SuperRois from the check (ATR-29220) Trigger
- !70771 (merged) Adding chains for PT scan for Delayed jets triggers Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts