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RPC Phi fast digitisation

Merged Paul Nathaniel Swallow requested to merge pswallow/athena:ps-Digitisation into main
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@@ -41,15 +41,17 @@ StatusCode xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::initialize(){
m_stIdxBIL = m_idHelperSvc->rpcIdHelper().stationNameIndex("BIL");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::finalize() {
ATH_MSG_INFO("Tried to convert "<<m_allHits[0]<<"/"<<m_allHits[1]<<" hits. In, "
<<percentage(m_acceptedHits[0], m_allHits[0]) <<"/"
ATH_MSG_INFO("Tried to convert "<<m_allHits[0]<<" | "<<m_allHits[1]<<" hits. In, "
<<percentage(m_acceptedHits[0], m_allHits[0]) <<" | "
<<percentage(m_acceptedHits[1], m_allHits[1]) <<" cases, the conversion was successful");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
void xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::digitizeHit(const double hitTime,
const double locPosOnStrip,
const MuonGMR4::StripDesignPtr& designPtr,
@@ -127,11 +129,48 @@ void xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::digitizeHit(const double hitTime,
const MuonGMR4::StripDesign& design{*designPtr};
const double uncert = design.stripPitch() / std::sqrt(12.);
const double smearedX = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndEngine, locPosOnStrip.x(), uncert);
const Amg::Vector2D locHitPos{smearedX, locPosOnStrip.y()};
// Smear the Eta coordinate
const double uncertX = design.stripPitch() / std::sqrt(12.);
const double smearedX = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndEngine, locPosOnStrip.x(), uncertX);
// Smear the Phi Coordinate
const double propagationVelocity = 0.5 * Gaudi::Units::c_light; // in mm/ns
const double stripTimeResolution = 0.6; // in nanoseconds
const double stripLength = design.lenLeftEdge(); // in mm, assuming lenLeftEdge() == lenRightEdge() i.e. rectangular strip
// Distance in mm along strip to y=-stripLength/2 (L) and y=stripLength/2 (R)
const double stripLeft = -(stripLength / 2);
const double stripRight = (stripLength / 2);
double distToL = std::abs( stripLeft - locPosOnStrip.y() );
double distToR = std::abs( stripRight - locPosOnStrip.y() );
// True propagation time in nanoseconds along strip to y=-stripLength/2 (L) and y=stripLength/2 (R)
double propagationTimeL = distToL / propagationVelocity;
double propagationTimeR = distToR / propagationVelocity;
// Smeared propagation time in nanoseconds along strip to y=-stripLength/2 (L) and y=stripLength/2 (R)
const double smearedTimeL = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndEngine, propagationTimeL, stripTimeResolution);
const double smearedTimeR = CLHEP::RandGaussZiggurat::shoot(rndEngine, propagationTimeR, stripTimeResolution);
const double smearedDeltaT = smearedTimeR - smearedTimeL;
|--- d1, t1 ---||--- d1, t1 ---||-- d --| For t2 > t1:
||||||||||||||||X|||||||||||||||||||||||| <- RPC strip, deltaT = t2 - t1, d1 = v_prop * t1 (likewise for d2),
|-------- d2, t2 -------| X is a hit l = d1 + d2, d = d2 - d1 -> d = l - 2d1 = v_prop * deltaT
|----------------- l -------------------|
Hence, d1 = 0.5 * (l - d) = 0.5 * (l - v_prop * deltaT)
Then converting to coordinate system where 0 -> -0.5*l to match strip local coordinates
d1 -> d1 = -0.5*l + 0.5* (l-d) = -0.5*d = -0.5 * v_pro*deltaT
const double uncertY = 0.5 * propagationVelocity * sqrt(2)*stripTimeResolution; //in mm
const double smearedY = -0.5 * propagationVelocity * smearedDeltaT; //in mm
//If smearedDeltaT == 0 position is in the centre of the strip (0).
const Amg::Vector2D locHitPos{smearedX, smearedY};
if (!design.insideTrapezoid(locHitPos)) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("The 2D hit "<<Amg::toString(locHitPos)<<" is outside of the trapezoid bounds for "
@@ -167,9 +206,8 @@ void xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::digitizeHit(const double hitTime,
xAOD::MeasVector<2> lPos{};
xAOD::MeasMatrix<2> cov{xAOD::MeasMatrix<2>::Identity()};
cov(0,0) = uncert * uncert;
/// Dummy value for the moment
cov(1,1) = 1.;
cov(0,0) = uncertX * uncertX;
cov(1,1) = uncertY * uncertY;
xAOD::toStorage(locHitPos), std::move(cov));
const MuonGMR4::RpcReadoutElement* readOutEle = m_DetMgr->getRpcReadoutElement(prdId);
@@ -241,6 +279,7 @@ StatusCode xAODSimHitToRpcMeasCnvAlg::execute(const EventContext& ctx) const {
*prd2DContainer, rndEngine);
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;