2024-08-17: merge of 24.0 into main
This sweep contains the following MRs:
- !73779 (merged) DeMo update - Adding support for python3 and 2024 data DQ
- !73786 (merged) Fixing WARNING in IDTIDE Derivation
- !73748 (merged) Fix ZdcRec build warning ForwardDetectors
- !73767 (merged) l1calo fex monitoring patches DQ, L1Calo, Trigger
- !73718 (merged) NavGraph: Remove ElementLink, replace with Decision pointer Trigger
- !73761 (merged) ATR-29955 (Remove CPS from MC Menu) and ATR-28563 (Add HLTNoRepo for LLP trigger) Trigger, TriggerMenu, changes-trigger-counts
- !73775 (merged) HLT MET monitoring: removal of legacy L1 chians DQ, JetEtmiss, Trigger
- !73784 (merged) Fixing thereshold values in HI topo items Trigger, TriggerMenu
Merge request reports
This merge request affects 12 packages:
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations
- DataQuality/DataQualityUtils
- PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkInDet
- Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigDecisionTool
- Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigNavSlimmingMT
- Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring
- Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling
- Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigCompositeUtils
- Trigger/TrigSteer/ViewAlgs
- Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloMonitoring
- Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest
- Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @iriu ,@shanisch ,@gipezzul ,@thompson ,@tamartin ,@okumura ,@martindl ,@lidiaz ,@khamano ,@vmartin ,@slai ,@will ,@jcatmore ,@stelzer ,@emmat ,@dshope ,@ggonella ,@carquin ,@jburzyns ,@sutt ,@ademaria as watchers
WARNING: big files (>100K) are found in the changeset 120K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/L1/Config/TopoAlgoDef.py 520K in file Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref 212K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/MC_pp_run3_v1.py 372K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Physics_pp_run3_v1.pyadded Run3-Derivation-output-changed label
CI Result FAILURE (hash 801bf8bd)Athena AnalysisBase AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 14641] (remote access info)HLTNav data has changed presumably due to !73718 (merged)
need expert approval @tamartin and maybe a DAOD expert
Edited by Adam Edward BartonHi @abarton,
I think I might have an idea about what happened here, the map in !73718 (merged) has gone from EL key to bare pointer key.
But this then might have ended up shuffling around the positions of the thinned navigation graph nodes in the holding container in the DAOD file as map iteration based on pointer ordering is going to be irreproducible.
Suggest we revert this MR here, and re-work this a bit more to keep the iteration order stable. cc @smh & @emoon
sorry maybe @shanisch is the correct expert
This merge request affects 13 packages:
- DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations
- DataQuality/DataQualityUtils
- PhysicsAnalysis/DerivationFramework/DerivationFrameworkInDet
- Tools/WorkflowTestRunner
- Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigDecisionTool
- Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigNavSlimmingMT
- Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigMETMonitoring
- Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling
- Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigCompositeUtils
- Trigger/TrigSteer/ViewAlgs
- Trigger/TrigT1/TrigT1CaloMonitoring
- Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest
- Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @iriu ,@sutt ,@ggonella ,@stelzer ,@okumura ,@carquin ,@jburzyns ,@vmartin ,@emmat ,@thompson ,@pagessin ,@tamartin ,@lidiaz ,@khamano ,@shanisch ,@slai ,@jcatmore ,@martindl ,@ademaria ,@dshope ,@gipezzul ,@will as watchers
added Tools label
WARNING: big files (>100K) are found in the changeset 520K in file Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigAnalysisTest/share/ref_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build.ref 120K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/L1/Config/TopoAlgoDef.py 372K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Physics_pp_run3_v1.py 212K in file Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/MC_pp_run3_v1.py CI Result FAILURE (hash 37038486)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AnalysisBase AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AnalysisBase: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 14664] (remote access info)removed review-pending-level-1 label
added review-user-action-required label
Closing in favour of !73815 (merged)