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2024-10-11: merge of 24.0 into main

Merged Vakhtang Tsulaia requested to merge tsulaia/athena:sweep_24.0_main_2024-10-11 into main
2 files
+ 66
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Copyright (C) 2002-2021 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg.h"
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::initialize()
ATH_CHECK( m_electronsKey.initialize() );
renounce( m_electronsKey );// electrons are made in views, so they are not in the EvtStore: hide them
renounce (m_decorD0Key);
renounce (m_decorClEtaKey);
renounce (m_decorClPhiKey);
ATH_CHECK( m_decorD0Key.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_decorClEtaKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_decorClPhiKey.initialize() );
if (! m_monTool.empty() ) ATH_CHECK( m_monTool.retrieve() );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
@@ -85,29 +92,46 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::execute( const EventContext& cont
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Precision Electron handle size: " << electronHandle->size() << "..." );
// Make decorators to output track d0 and cluster eta/phi
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > decor_d0( "trk_d0" );
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > decor_clEta( "cl_eta2" );
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator< float > decor_clPhi( "cl_phi2" );
auto decor_d0 = ViewHelper::makeHandle<float> (*viewEL, m_decorD0Key, context);
auto decor_clEta = ViewHelper::makeHandle<float> (*viewEL, m_decorClEtaKey, context);
auto decor_clPhi = ViewHelper::makeHandle<float> (*viewEL, m_decorClPhiKey, context);
// This algorithm adds a few decorations to the input electrons.
// But sometimes we can be given views on which another instance of this
// algorithm has already run. We need to avoid redoing the decorations
// in that case, or we'll crash.
// We can even be given a mixture of views, some of which have
// the decorations already done and some not, so we can't really
// configure this statically.
// Test if the decoration is there, and trust that the overall
// configuration ensures that two threads won't try to write the
// same decoration at the same time.
bool hasDecor = decor_d0.isAvailable();
// Used for checking earlier decorations.
static const SG::ConstAccessor<float> acc_d0 (SG::decorKeyFromKey (m_decorD0Key.key()));
static const SG::ConstAccessor<float> acc_clEta (SG::decorKeyFromKey (m_decorClEtaKey.key()));
static const SG::ConstAccessor<float> acc_clPhi (SG::decorKeyFromKey (m_decorClPhiKey.key()));
// Loop over the electronHandles
size_t validelectrons=0;
for (size_t cl=0; cl< electronHandle->size(); cl++){
for (const xAOD::Electron* ele : *electronHandle) {
auto el = ViewHelper::makeLink( *viewEL, electronHandle, cl );
auto el = ViewHelper::makeLink( *viewEL, electronHandle, ele->index() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Checking el.isValid()...");
if( !el.isValid() ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Precision ElectronHandle in position " << cl << " -> invalid ElemntLink!. Skipping...");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Precision ElectronHandle in position " << ele->index() << " -> invalid ElemntLink!. Skipping...");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Precision ElectronHandle in position " << cl << " processing...");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG ( "Precision ElectronHandle in position " << ele->index() << " processing...");
auto d = TCU::newDecisionIn( decisions, TCU::hypoAlgNodeName() );
d->setObjectLink( TCU::featureString(), el );
TCU::linkToPrevious( d, decisionInput().key(), counter );
// create the info
ITrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoTool::ElectronInfo info(d, roi, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl), previousDecision);
ITrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoTool::ElectronInfo info(d, roi, ele, previousDecision);
// Retrieve avgmu value from event info
SG::ReadDecorHandle<xAOD::EventInfo,float> eventInfoDecor(m_avgMuKey, context);
@@ -121,7 +145,7 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::execute( const EventContext& cont
// Decorate the info with all CB decisions
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_cbNames.size(); ++i) {
auto const& pidname = m_cbNames[i];
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronCBTools[i]->accept(context, electronHandle->at(cl));
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronCBTools[i]->accept(context, ele);
// Decorate the info with all LH decisions
@@ -131,14 +155,14 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::execute( const EventContext& cont
if(eventInfoDecor.isPresent()) {
float avg_mu = eventInfoDecor(0);
float lhvalue = m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->calculate(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl),avg_mu);
float lhvalue = m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->calculate(context, ele,avg_mu);
info.valueDecorator[pidname+"LHValue"] = lhvalue;
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->accept(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl),avg_mu);
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->accept(context, ele,avg_mu);
float lhvalue = m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->calculate(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl));
float lhvalue = m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->calculate(context, ele);
info.valueDecorator[pidname+"LHValue"] = lhvalue;
ATH_MSG_WARNING("EventInfo decoration not available!");
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->accept(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl));
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronLHTools[idx]->accept(context, ele);
@@ -153,11 +177,11 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::execute( const EventContext& cont
if(eventInfoDecor.isPresent()) {
float avg_mu = eventInfoDecor(0);
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronDNNTools[idx]->accept(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl),avg_mu);
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronDNNTools[idx]->accept(context, ele,avg_mu);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("info.pidDecorator[pidname]: "<<info.pidDecorator[pidname]);
ATH_MSG_WARNING("EventInfo decoration not available!");
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronDNNTools[idx]->accept(context, electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl));
info.pidDecorator[pidname] = (bool)m_egammaElectronDNNTools[idx]->accept(context, ele);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("info.pidDecorator[pidname]: "<<info.pidDecorator[pidname]);
@@ -165,9 +189,24 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaPrecisionElectronHypoAlg::execute( const EventContext& cont
// Add track d0 and cluster eta/phi decorations for output electrons
decor_d0(*electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)) = electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)->trackParticle()->d0();
decor_clEta(*electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)) = electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)->caloCluster()->etaBE(2);
decor_clPhi(*electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)) = electronHandle.cptr()->at(cl)->caloCluster()->phiBE(2);
if (hasDecor) {
// If the decorations are already there, verify that they
// match what we would write.
if (acc_d0(*ele) != ele->trackParticle()->d0() ||
acc_clEta(*ele) != ele->caloCluster()->etaBE(2) ||
acc_clPhi(*ele) != ele->caloCluster()->phiBE(2))
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Decoration mismatch: "
<< acc_d0(*ele) << "<->" << ele->trackParticle()->d0()
<< acc_clEta(*ele) << "<->" << ele->caloCluster()->etaBE(2)
<< acc_clPhi(*ele) << "<->" << ele->caloCluster()->phiBE(2) );
else {
decor_d0(*ele) = ele->trackParticle()->d0();
decor_clEta(*ele) = ele->caloCluster()->etaBE(2);
decor_clPhi(*ele) = ele->caloCluster()->phiBE(2);
toolInput.push_back( info );