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Kubernetes operator that controls the main API of the Drupal service: the DrupalSite CRD.

For an introduction to the Operator pattern and how we use it, take a look at our presentation at Kubecon EU 2021!

Building a Kubernetes infrastructure for CERN's Content Management Systems

This paper describes the use case served with the drupalsite-operator. Flip through it to get some context!

Drupal service architecture

The Drupal service is designed around the concept of the DrupalSite. The deployment looks like this:

architecture diagram

images diagram

The architecture description explains in more detail.



A DrupalSite defines all the necessary info for the operator to instantiate a Drupal website, integrated with the CERN environment. Example:

kind: DrupalSite
  name: drupalsite-sample
  # URL to request in the route.
	# Recommended to set `<environmentName>-<projectname>`
  # or `<projectname>` if this is the "live" site
  # Generates the image tags. Changing this triggers the upgrade workflow.
    name: "v8.9-1"
    releaseSpec: <see a sample in config/sample/...>
    # Name of the DrupalSite (in the same namespace) to clone from, typically the "live"/production website
    cloneFrom: "<myproductionsite>"
    # "standard", "critical" or "test"
    qosClass: "standard"
    databaseClass: "standard"
    diskSize: "5Gi"


The operator has three controllers/ reconcilers to perform different operations independently

  1. DrupalSiteReconciler - for ensuring the required Kubernetes resources for a given CR
  2. DrupalSiteDBUpdateReconciler - for performing database updates
  3. SupportedDrupalVersionsReconciler - for managing supported custom Drupal versions

Running the operator


The operator is packaged with a helm chart. However, we deploy CRDs separately. Both must be deployed for the operator to function. In our infrastructure, we deploy the operator and its CRD with 2 separate ArgoCD Applications.


When deploying the Helm chart, operator configuration is exposed as Helm values. This reference is useful to run the operator locally.

cmdline arguments

argument example description
sitebuilder-image The sitebuilder source image name
php-fpm-exporter-image The php-fpm-exporter source image name
velero-namespace openshift-cern-drupal The namespace of the Velero server to create backups
webdav-image The webdav source image name
parallel-thread-count 5 The number of threads used by the main controller of DrupalSite Operator

Configmaps for each QoS class

The operator configures each website according to its QoS class with configmaps. It reads the configmaps from /tmp/runtime-config. In order to test locally, we must first copy them:

$ cp -r chart/drupalsite-operator/runtime-config/ /tmp/


This project uses envtest for basic integration tests by running a local control plane. The control plane spun up by envtest, doesn't have any K8s controllers except for the controller it is testing. The tests for the drupalsite controller are located in controllers/drupalsite_controller_test.go.

To run these tests locally, use make test

Developed with operator-sdk

This project was generated with the operator-sdk and has been updated to operator-sdk-v1.3.

Managing sites with failed updates

Sometimes, there can be site which can't be checked for pending database updates or can't run updates on the tables. In these cases, the Status on the DrupalSite will be depicted accordingly. Especially the DBUpdatesFailed status will be set. In such cases, the site needs to be fixed manually by running the following steps.

  1. The site Spec.Version needs to be set back to Status.ReleaseID.Failsafe value
  2. This will remove the failed statuses from the DrupalSite
  3. Now, the site can be updated to a new version that won't cause the failures
    • In case the failures repeat, the site has to be manually fixed & the failed status has to be manually removed for the reconciliation to complete successfully
  4. To ensure a site is fixed & has no errors, ensure the Status.Release.Failsafe and Status.Release.Current values are the same, without any failed error statuses