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Draft: Anti-Id Tau decoration and update of overlap removal

Philipp Rincke requested to merge princke/easyjet:antiID-tau-decoration into main

Also see #189 (closed)

  • decorate all taus satisfying the anti-ID requirement with the corresponding flag
  • [-] anti-tau objects would go through the first part of the overlap removal (all overlaps are removed except between anti-taus and non-b-jets), done in atlas/athena!69115 (merged)
  • determine correct number of anti-taus (based on trigger matching and random selection where we don't trigger on taus), select in atlas/athena!69115 (merged)
  • run second part of the overlap removal, between anti-taus and light jets should be performed in favor of anti-taus, done in atlas/athena!69115 (merged)

Tagging @pbokan

Edited by Philipp Rincke

Merge request reports