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Added JetDecoratorAlg for derivation of b-jet pT corrections

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/easyjet:jetDecor into main

Adds new JetDecoratorAlg to store bJetTruthPt pT + dR of truth b-jet matched with reco jet, to derive new corrections for #219 (closed) Also adds decorations variables computed in, in particular muonCorrPt and n_muons

All of this is available as

*    Row   * Instance * recojet_a * recojet_a * recojet_a * recojet_a * recojet_a *
*        0 *        0 * 58749.320 * 56355.488 * 56355.488 *         0 * 60631.847 *
*        1 *        0 *     57609 *     57609 *     57609 *         0 *       -99 *
*        1 *        1 * 51477.312 * 48792.378 * 48792.378 *         0 * 44755.628 *
*        1 *        2 * 24102.796 * 24102.796 * 24102.796 *         0 * 26875.970 *
*        2 *        0 * 121845.60 * 121845.60 * 121845.60 *         0 *       -99 *
*        7 *        0 * 82744.343 * 81578.351 * 81578.351 *         0 * 77743.695 *
*        7 *        1 * 69827.812 * 69827.812 * 69827.812 *         0 *       -99 *
*        7 *        2 * 51943.867 * 49273.871 * 49273.871 *         0 * 57819.230 *
*        7 *        3 * 40508.632 * 40508.632 * 40508.632 *         0 *       -99 *
*        7 *        4 * 34836.515 * 34836.515 * 34836.515 *         0 *       -99 *
*        7 *        5 * 25568.960 * 25568.960 * 25568.960 *         0 *       -99 *
*        8 *        0 * 193292.18 *  186638.5 * 128864.05 *         1 * 126938.64 *
*        8 *        1 * 87974.203 * 87974.203 * 87974.203 *         0 *       -99 *
*        8 *        2 * 34671.914 * 34671.914 * 34671.914 *         0 *       -99 *

FYI @sdahbi @lderamo @pbokan @bmoser

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports