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Change OH clock frequency to 40 MHz

Andrew Peck requested to merge optohybrid into devel

Summary of Changes

  • Closes #15 (closed)
    • Use a 40MHz clock in the GE21 OH
    • Fix synchronization to the BC0
  • Closes #20 (closed)
    • Fix GE21 slow control & improve GE21 sbits deserialization
  • Closes #27 (closed)
    • Add a resync counter in the OH
  • Closes #30 (closed)
    • Support simultaneous L1A + BC0 in the OH
  • Closes #28 (closed)
    • Optional masking of clusters after an L1A

Clock source change

Changes the clock source to

NET "clock_p"   LOC = A10; #dskw clock
NET "clock_n"   LOC = B10; #dskw clock

which corresponds to clockdes1 from the GBTX


Edited by Andrew Peck

Merge request reports