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Updating to gpiodrivers with improved robustness

Claire Antel requested to merge gpio-receivers-increase-robustness into master

Trigger and TrackerReceiver updated:

  • metric for counting missing L1IDs.
  • use GPIOBaseClass::GPIOCheck whenever a thrown exception is not wanted from base communication failure.
  • Return of GPIOBaseClass::GPIOCheck set to m_status directly, to reflect in receiver status (maybe not always useful if followed by the next gpio command immediately).
  • Status of invalid tracker fragments changed from UnclassifiedError to CorruptedFragment.
  • Readding software correction for TRB BCID

TRB and TLB configs updated: hostname, switch to LHC clock.

Note: This relies on a new gpiodrivers version which also has other improvements in case of failed data transmissions. Will remove WIP once that's been merged to gpiodrivers master.

Configurations updated so that tracker readout processes running on faser-daq-006.

PS. Not sure in what ways this clashes with the ongoing daqling MR. I'm ok if that goes in first, and will adapt this after.

Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports