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TRB fine time scan and threshold scan: Adding sequence, scripts and TRB cfg update

Claire Antel requested to merge trbFineTimeScan into master

Adding scripts and configs for...

a TRB fine time scan, given a base TRB fine time reference. Updating TRB.json with base timing settings. Script for running main fine time scan:

./ trbFineTimeScan.json

Tracker SCT threshold scan, where the SCT config files for a certain layer of each station will be updated with thresholds at given threshold point. Script for running threshold scan for specific point:

./ sctThresholdScan.json

For each, directory paths and PC host names need to be updated.

Updating physics configs

  • Updating TLB & TRB tracker timing settings following the fine time analysis.
  • Updating TLB OrbitDelay for physics
  • Raising TLB RateLimiter setting.
  • Updating TRB SCT modules to special DirectNoiseOccupancy configs (only applies to a few modules)
Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports