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fix: checking of whether oci helm charts are already replicated

Jack Charlie Munday requested to merge fix-acc-oci-chart-repl into master

Added "--raw" flag to skopeo inspect stage to check whether artifacts has already been replicated.

This was raised as an issue in: !38.

Without this flag skopeo inspect on bitnamichart/fluentd is erroring which is being masked by the redirection.

$ if ! skopeo inspect docker:// > /dev/null; then echo "replicating"; else echo "exists"; fi

FATA[0002] unsupported image-specific operation on artifact with type "application/vnd.cncf.helm.config.v1+json"

$ if ! skopeo inspect --raw docker:// > /dev/null; then echo "replicating"; else echo "exists"; fi


This should resolve the issue with the alerts for kops-replication-acc.

Merge request reports