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Update to HCAL Geometry (beam plug and rear tungsten shield)

Daniele Manuzzi requested to merge upgrade/dmanuzzi_HCAL_Wshield into upgrade/master

The geometry of the innermost region of the HCAL changed between LS3 and LS4 to provide additional shielding to the MUON system. The geometry updates comprise:

  • reduced clearance of the beam plug in the part facing M2 (never included in DetDesc);
  • a tungsten shield in the position of the PMTs of the 16 HCAL cells on the left and right sides of the beam plug (already included in branch upgrade/master of DDDB, but with old sizes);

For reference:

The corresponding updates to DD4hep are available in lhcb/Detector!476 (merged).

Merge request reports
