Update to HCAL Geometry (beam plug and rear tungsten shield)
The geometry of the innermost region of the HCAL changed between LS3 and LS4 to provide additional shielding to the MUON system. The geometry updates comprise:
- reduced clearance of the beam plug in the part facing M2;
- a tungsten shield in the position of the PMTs of the 16 HCAL cells on the left and right sides of the beam plug;
For reference:
- old presentation
- updated beam plug drawings: 1, 2
- tungsten shield drawings
The corresponding updates to DetDesc are available in lhcb-condb/DDDB!127.
This MR also fixes two discrepancies with DetDesc:
- the lvHcalFwOutStripVol was placed only once in the HcalFwFaceSubModule, whereas two placements are needed (see l. 136-148 of
) - the HCAL modules of the Right-Inner region are rotated by 180 degrees around the z-axis (see l. 185 of
Validated by
Core Software -
Edited by Christopher Rob Jones