Revert "Merge branch 'muon_cabling_run3' into 'upgrade/master'"
This reverts merge request !95 (merged)
This is needed to unblock developments by other detectors and agreed at PAC this morning (26 Nov).
The changes will be applied back when issues with lhcb/Boole!358 (closed) and lhcb/LHCb!3133 (merged) are solved and are available in branch upgrade/dddb-20211017-muoncabling-run3
. To develop father the code for the muon one can use:
CondDB().Upgrade = True
LHCbApp().DDDBtag = "dddb-20211017-muoncabling-run3"
LHCbApp().CondDBtag = "sim-20211015-vc-md100-muoncabling-run3"
It requires SIMCOND!167 (merged) (i.e. the revert of SIMCOND!159 (merged))
cc: @satta, @gcavalle, @edelucia, @rmatev, @cattanem, @seaso, @kreps
Edited by Gloria Corti