Add new HPD QE curves for 2018
Merge request reports
@papanest can you confirm all looks as you would expect, so i can remove the WIP status ?
assigned to @clemenci
mentioned in commit 5eb1c9c3
This seems to be causing trouble for me at least:
==================================================================================================================================== Welcome to Moore version v28r0 running on on Mon Apr 9 19:07:23 2018 ==================================================================================================================================== ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/' ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO using commit 'dddb-20171030-3' corresponding to ee723203b3bc7cb9b5ad048f294dc57af9563 ToolSvc.GitLHCBCOND INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/' ToolSvc.GitLHCBCOND INFO using commit 'cond-20180202' corresponding to 1ac09d637d5aeafb5535b223558b881cc6ce3e0 ToolSvc.GitONLINE INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/' ToolSvc.GitONLINE INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 5eb1c9c387011e13214c6abd7075c9897602b60a ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/' ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to c99e9b7d34137023f8eb1d65d278a6991ccddcaa DetectorDataSvc SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/ MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/ MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/ MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/ XmlCatalogCnv FATAL File ../Det/DetDescCnv/src/component/XmlCatalogCnv.cpp line 232 XmlCatalogCnv FATAL XML address: XmlCatalogCnv FATAL location : conddb:/Conditions/Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml en XmlGenericCnv FATAL An exception went out of the conversion process : *XmlCnvException* Error adding XmlGenericCnv FATAL address = conddb:/Conditions/Rich1/EnvironmentCatalog.xml#/Rich1 UpdateManagerSvc::Item ERROR Cannot retrieve Conditions/Environment/Rich1/RefractivityScaleFactor from data provid DeRichGasRadiator ERROR First UMS update failed XmlGenericCnv ERROR DetectorElement /dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/Rich1Gas: initialization RichFutureDecode FATAL Exception with tag=DetectorDataSvc is caught RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/R RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/R RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/R RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/ RichFutureDecode ERROR *DetElemException* Could not load child object=/dd/Structure/LHCb/Befor RichFutureDecode ERROR RichFutureDecode ERROR
'InitialTime': 1546300740000000000L
, which is end of 2017.Here's what the brunel 2018magup test gives, this time not cut off
XmlCatalogCnv FATAL File ../Det/DetDescCnv/src/component/XmlCatalogCnv.cpp line 232 XmlCatalogCnv FATAL XML address: XmlCatalogCnv FATAL location : conddb:/Conditions/Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml entryName : /QuantumEffHpd_H6550212 isString : 0 XmlGenericCnv FATAL An exception went out of the conversion process : *XmlCnvException* Error adding registry entry to detector transient store StatusCode=9 XmlGenericCnv FATAL address = conddb:/Conditions/Rich1/EnvironmentCatalog.xml#/Rich1 UpdateManagerSv... ERROR Cannot retrieve Conditions/Environment/Rich1/RefractivityScaleFactor from data provider! DeRichGasRadiator ERROR First UMS update failed XmlGenericCnv ERROR DetectorElement /dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/Rich1Gas: initialization failed. RichFutureDecode FATAL Exception with tag=DetectorDataSvc is caught RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/Rich2 StatusCode=FAILURE RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/Rich2/HPDPanel0 StatusCode=FAILURE RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/AfterMagnetRegion/Rich2/RichSystem StatusCode=FAILURE RichFutureDecode ERROR DetectorDataSvc GaudiException in loadObject() /dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1 StatusCode=FAILURE RichFutureDecode ERROR *DetElemException* Could not load child object=/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/Rich1Gas StatusCode=FAILURE for DetectorElement=DetectorElement::/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1GeometryInfo::GeometryInfoPlus::name=/dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1; LVolume=/dd/Geometry/BeforeMagnetRegion/Rich1/lvRich1Master; supported by /dd/Structure/LHCb/BeforeMagnetRegion with ReplicaPath=(1,) (pvRich1Master);
Edited by Rosen Matev20232 20232 7.770 0.00 20233 20233 </tabproperty> 20234 20234 20235 <!-- HPDs added 11/05/2017 --> 20235 <!-- HPDs from batches 62 to 66 imported 20/2/2018 --> 804 804 <tabpropertyref href="../Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml#QuantumEffHpd_H6550169"/> 805 805 <tabpropertyref href="../Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml#QuantumEffHpd_H6550214"/> 806 806 <tabpropertyref href="../Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml#QuantumEffHpd_H6550222"/> 807 <!-- HPDs batches 62 to 66 added imported 20/2/2018 --> 808 <tabpropertyref href="../Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml#QuantumEffHpd_H6550212"/> @papanest It looks like the update you sent me has repeated HPDs in it that I did not to spot. Can you please double check asap and remove the duplication ?
In the meantime I have submitted !2 (merged)
@rmatev Can you config if the above MR fixed the issues for you or not ?
I'll do as soon as it's propagated on cvmfs. Right now we have the old head:
git -C /cvmfs/ show commit 5eb1c9c387011e13214c6abd7075c9897602b60a (HEAD -> master, tag: onl-20180409, tag: fake) Merge: 8685bad0b9 ab8bd122f0 Author: Marco Clemencic <> Date: Mon Apr 9 12:08:30 2018 +0000 Merge branch 'RichAddHPDQE' into 'master' Add new HPD QE curves for 2018 See merge request lhcb-conddb/ONLINE!1
Edited by Rosen Matev
mentioned in merge request !2 (merged)
@clemenci @lsun Sorry to be a pain, but can you as soon as you read this either revert this MR, or apply !2 (merged)