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Rich remove duplicated HPD QE

Merged Christopher Rob Jones requested to merge Rich-RemoveDuplicatedHPDQE into master

URGENT Fix to remove duplication added in !1 (merged)

Note the fixed tag produced based on !1 (merged) 'onl-20180409' and 'fake' should be updated with this MR as well.

Edited by Christopher Rob Jones

Merge request reports

Merged by Liang SunLiang Sun 6 years ago (Apr 9, 2018 11:00pm UTC)



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  • Christopher Rob Jones mentioned in merge request !1 (merged)

    mentioned in merge request !1 (merged)

  • Christopher Rob Jones changed the description

    changed the description

  • merged

  • Liang Sun mentioned in commit 1b28beb8

    mentioned in commit 1b28beb8

  • Thanks. Please remember to update the fixed tags as well.

    • Developer

      @jonrob This change has broken the loaddddb2017, loaddddb2018 and brunel.2017magup tests in today's nightly, see e.g. failing tests in today's lhcb-head slot. Please revert / fix ASAP.

    • This MR is an improvement on the previous one at least, so should not be reverted in isolation...

    • @clemenci Do you know why those particular tests are failing, but others such as the Brunel tests see OK with the very same ONLINE git version ?

      I cannot see what is wrong with

      XmlCatalogCnv       FATAL  File /workspace/build/LHCB/LHCB_HEAD/Det/DetDescCnv/src/component/XmlCatalogCnv.cpp line 232
      XmlCatalogCnv       FATAL  XML address:
      XmlCatalogCnv       FATAL  location : conddb:/Conditions/Online/Rich1/Environment/HpdQuantumEfficiencies.xml entryName : /QuantumEffHpd_H6550212 isString : 0
      XmlGenericCnv       FATAL An exception went out of the conversion process : *XmlCnvException* 	 Error adding registry entry to detector transient store	 StatusCode=UNKNOWN(9)
      XmlGenericCnv       FATAL address = conddb:/Conditions/Rich1/EnvironmentCatalog.xml#/Rich1
    • @jonrob, the Brunel tests are failing, but only for 2017 datatype. Is it some issue with IOVs?

    • I don't see how. The changes in these MR do not have any MR. The touched files are the same for all times, and in principle are just adding new property entries. I am not yet seeing what else is wrong here.

    • OK, looking at the commit list it appears the nightlies did not pick up the update in this MR to fix the previous one. see

      The last commit that fixes things is 1b28.... whereas the test all used the buggy 5eb1... commit.

      Can you try rerunning the tests now, to pick up this update ?

    • Hmm, I just ran the test myself and its still picking up the old buggy commit, not the latest one.

      ToolSvc.GitONLINE    INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
      ToolSvc.GitONLINE    INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 5eb1c9c387011e13214c6abd7075c9897602b60a

      Does this mean this MR has not yet been pushed into cvmfs ?

    • If I force my local test to use my checkout of ONLINE, it works fine. So I am hopefully once the update is in cvmfs it should fix things.

      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
      ToolSvc.GitDDDB      INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
      ToolSvc.GitDDDB      INFO using commit 'dddb-20171030-3' corresponding to ee723203b3bc7cb9b5ad048f294dc57af95638a4
      ToolSvc.GitLHCB...   INFO opening Git repository '/usera/jonesc/LHCbCMake/GitDB/LHCBCOND'
      ToolSvc.GitLHCB...   INFO using commit 'cond-20180202' corresponding to 1ac09d637d5aeafb5535b223558b881cc6ce3e01
      ToolSvc.GitONLINE    INFO opening Git repository '/usera/jonesc/LHCbCMake/GitDB/ONLINE'
      ToolSvc.GitONLINE    INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 1b28beb85f13d73b9d6cc680bc6b8c21b11efa67
      ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS   INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
      ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS   INFO using commit 'dq-20170829' corresponding to c99e9b7d34137023f8eb1d65d278a6991ccddcaa
      DetectorPersist...   INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
      DetectorDataSvc   SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml
      GaudiSequencer       INFO Member list: LoadDDDB
      RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
      RndmGenSvc.Engine    INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
      RndmGenSvc           INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO This machine has a speed about   4.00 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database /cvmfs/ tag dddb-20171030-3[ee723203]
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database /usera/jonesc/LHCbCMake/GitDB/LHCBCOND tag cond-20180202[1ac09d63]
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database /usera/jonesc/LHCbCMake/GitDB/ONLINE tag HEAD[1b28beb8]
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database /cvmfs/ tag dq-20170829[c99e9b7d]
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database DDDB tag dddb-20171030-3
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database LHCBCOND tag cond-20180202
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database DQFLAGS tag dq-20170829
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      LoadDDDB             INFO Database ONLINE tag HEAD
      EventClockSvc.F...   INFO Event times generated from 1511692200000000000 with steps of 0
      EventClockSvc.F...   INFO Run numbers generated from 0 every 0 events
      EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
      EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
      HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Started successfully
      LoadDDDB             INFO Loading the DDDB
      MagneticFieldSvc     INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
      MagneticFieldSvc     INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
      MagneticFieldSvc     INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
      MagneticFieldSvc     INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
      MagneticFieldSvc     INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: 1 signed relative current: 1
      XmlMixtureCnv     WARNING computation of mixture '/dd/Materials/PureCarbon' not successful. Please check XML.
      XmlMixtureCnv     WARNING computation of mixture '/dd/Materials/Muon/C2_H2_F4' not successful. Please check XML.
      XmlMixtureCnv     WARNING computation of mixture '/dd/Materials/Muon/SF6' not successful. Please check XML.
      XmlMixtureCnv     WARNING computation of mixture '/dd/Materials/Muon/C4_H10' not successful. Please check XML.
      LoadDDDB             INFO done.
      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
      EventLoopMgr         INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
      ToolSvc              INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO This machine has a speed about   4.00 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO Algorithm          (millisec) |    <user> |   <clock> |      min       max    sigma | entries | total (s) |
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO GaudiSequencer                | 21550.000 | 23259.783 | 23259.783   23259.8     0.00 |       1 |    23.260 |
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO   LoadDDDB                    | 21550.000 | 23259.777 | 23259.777   23259.8     0.00 |       1 |    23.260 |
      ToolSvc.Sequenc...   INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
      ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
    • Sorry to get back to you this late.

      I have to check the algorithm that decides when it's worth updating ONLINE.git on CVMFS (I put it in place at some point to make sure we do not update every 10 min).

    • It's urgent, because currently online is broken.

      Maybe we should think of running the loaddddb tests automatically in the Gitlab CI for MRs to CondDB?

    • Yes, LoadDDDB is one of the tests I'd like to have in Gitlab CI.

      The updated ONLINE should be there now. The update was triggered by a change in SIMCOND, but I modified the logic so that new tags should trigger the update too (@stchitic , you should update the script for /cvmfs/

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  • @clemenci @lsun The fact this MR is seemingly not in cvmfs is causing a lot of problems, offline and at the pit. Can this please be pushed a.s.a.p. ?

  • Also, please can the fake/fixed tags be updated as well. These are I think causing is a lot of trouble with the monitoring tasks at the pit.... @mmccann

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