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[TEST] Example production workflow showing MC processing+tupling and DATA tupling

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-DPA-2024-example into master

This AP shows how to run the MC->HLT1->HLT2->Spruce->FTuple chain alongside the Spruced_DATA->FTuple.

With our best estimate, reproduces all HLT1->HLT2 from the early data-taking and the sprucing step for all 3 production streams (Full-stream, TurCal-stream, Turbo-stream).

The format + workflow of the AP itself is the point, the options used here may become out of date and may not be updated.

For information:


  • Can probably expand this to have the default options for 24c1 (v55r7?) and 24c2 (v55r11)
  • Can lhcb/Moore#821 be understood? If not should stop using the production.hlt2 option...
  • 24c3 (Moore/v55r12) example
  • perhaps 24c2 withoutUT example
Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
