Draft: Testing please ignore
1 unresolved thread
1 unresolved thread
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- Add a label for your WG
- Mark as "WIP:" until you're happy with the CI results
- If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header:
(supersedes !<MR number>)
. Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised
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- Remove the "WIP:" from the title:
- Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison
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Welcome to Analysis Productions! There are 1 existing deployment(s) under the name
:Date Release Author(s) Merge Request(s) 08/09/2020 v0r0p1923132
cburr !13 (merged) Will this production supersede one or more older versions? If so, please consider taking steps to have them removed. See here for details.
Check out the README for submission procedures.