Lb2LcPbarLmd Run2 MC supersedes [!1594]
This is the new AP for Lb -> Lc pbar Lambda Run2 MC.
The pT cuts on the proton and pion from Lambda are removed to increase the selection efficiency.
This AP supersedes [!1594 (merged)]
Merge request reports
assigned to @rzan
Welcome to Analysis Productions!This is a summary of the productions requested in this merge request:
Step Production ID Num Test LFNs Run time Estimated Output Size (MB) 2015_MagUp_mc 209536 1 0:15:25.465066 15.9 2015_MagDown_mc 209537 1 0:13:12.759837 16.3 2016_MagUp_mc 209538 1 0:14:58.277615 16.6 2016_MagDown_mc 209539 1 0:12:59.483725 16.0 2017_MagUp_mc 209540 1 0:28:51.596506 16.0 2018_MagUp_mc 209542 1 0:14:33.510101 16.3 2018_MagDown_mc 209543 1 0:19:00.955982 16.2 2017_MagDown_mc 209544 1 0:21:01.417455 15.4 Edited by LHCb Data Processing and Analysis
requested review from @yuhaow
added BandQ label
requested review from @jianqiao
added MCrun1/2 label
@yuhaow @jianqiao Dear liaisons, this AP is for an analysis which is shortly starting the WG review. Some tight pT cuts are spotted very recently, we need to reproduce the tuples to have a quick check on the influence. The total output size is about 7 GB so it is in principle relative fast to accomplish. Such that I will be very appreciate if it can be merged at your first convenience.
mentioned in commit aaa8b0e4
mentioned in issue #1371 (closed)
mentioned in commit 1456dc32