Draft: Mingjie/promp bd
promptBD includes B0D0, BmDp, B0Dp, BmD0
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Merge request reports
assigned to @mingjie
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Edited by LHCb Data Processing and Analysis
added duplicated inputs expert approval labels
requested review from @mengzhen
requested review from @ipolyako
hi @mingjie, thanks for adding me here. I had a quick glance on it. I'd suggest you can write to tuples the particular mode of B-decay and D0-decay as well (i.e. K-pi+ or K-pi+pi+pi-). As you know, we have plenty of different modes contributing to B*ForSpectroscopy lines. Having no distinction between them in tuples will make impossible to separate real B's from background. Also, makes sure you'll store enough for putting additional selection on B-decay and D-decay and that you deal correctly with both B->Dh(h,hh) and B->Jpsih(h) modes, including DTF variables.