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Radiative - Complementary production for KstG isospin analysis.

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_Radiative_KstGIso into master

Radiative Production - KstG

Request from @alobosal in

The info.yaml is created using, which reads inputs from BKK_inputs.txt and generates the info.yaml file automatically.

This production uses exactly the same setup as the v0r0p2276877 but different dddb and conddb versions (because they are different MCs), which is configured directly in info.yaml.

NOTE: This is a complementary production to tuple the missing MC samples in v0r0p2276877. It doesn't supersede any previous productions.

FYI: @alobosal @cmarinbe

Edited by Jiahui Zhuo

Merge request reports
