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[QEE] EW Tupling on 'Physics' 2023 v4: MCTruth/MCDecayTrees and EoYSpruce_23

Luke Grazette requested to merge lugrazet-ewAP-2023-mcdecaytree into master

Tupling over the Spruced Coll23 data + exp23 MC + act23 MC.
Coll2023 data corresponds to [~40 fb-1] data. Both Turbo and Full QEE streams.
MC needs processing through Hlt1->Hlt2->Spruce ourselves before we can tuple.

(Part of the Run3 ew-analyses framework development: see Wiki ).

Based on [AP!784]

Changes from previous version

  1. Refactoring of the code, it was getting cumbersome (and annoying). I kinda still want to go further but it's more manageable now

  2. Adds MC Truth information to the DecayTrees. Includes for Dimuon and Muon candidates:

  1. Adds MCDecayTrees per sample. Includes for Dimuon and Muon candidates:
  1. Updates Full_Stream (Coll23 and Exp23/Act23) to use the EoYSpruce_23 release. This allows us to then add the new selection ZTrkEff_VeloMuon.

  2. Add ZTrkEff_VeloMuon_{probe=mum, mup}_{decision_type=Tag,Match} lines to the hlt2_tistos_lines. Required changes to Hlt2 and Spruce mc scripts to increase lines_to_TisTos.

  3. Now also persist Hlt{X} line decisions for the same lines in hlt{X}_tistos_lines. -> Needed for TrkEff evaluations.

  4. Reverted 'online' moore version (v54r20 -> v54r19) to facilitate the hack of Actual2023 PV position. -> Implemented 'offline' moore version v54r22p5 i.e. the version of EoYSpruce_23


Attempts to build the following decaytrees dependent on stream.

TurboPass = { # Name : Input Line
    "Jpsi_Detached": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Detached",
    "Jpsi_Prompt": "Hlt2QEE_JpsiToMuMu_Prompt",
    "U1S": "Hlt2QEE_Upsilon1SToMuMu"
Full_stream = {
    "Z": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu",
    "ZMuID": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_SingleNoMuID",
    "Wp": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "Wm": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuon",
    "WpNoMuID": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuonNoMuID",
    "WmNoMuID": "SpruceQEE_SingleHighPtMuonNoMuID",
    "ZSS": "SpruceQEE_DiMuonSameSign",
    "ZTrkEff_VeloMuon": "SpruceQEE_ZToMuMu_TrackEff_VeloMuon_Tag"

Attempts to build a MCDecayTree per different decay descriptor ["Z", "Jpsi", "U1S", "W"] within each MC sample. (So W MC samples get a W and Z mcdtt).


  • Fix PV position by hand in Actual2023 MC: lhcb/Allen#481 (comment 7530070)
  • MCTruth Information
  • Will want Dressed kinematics -> Needs to be better understood by me before I can really ask DPAWP2 what is going on 😄. -> Next version of the tuples
  • MCDecayTree
  • EoYSpruce_23 changes
    • new spruce version: EoYSpruce_23
    • new bkk
    • ZTrkEff changes
    • now we don't have persisted containers, instead we have persistreco. [Subject to change again for 2024...] Need to change how we evalaute isolation.
    • ZVeto is wanted. -> Next version of the tuples

Supersedes previous Coll23 Data tuples + Actual23/Expected23 MC tuples from [AP!784].

Edited by Luke Grazette

Merge request reports
