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Update decfiles for D0 -> hh secondary decays

Merged Tommaso Pajero requested to merge tpajero/d0-to-hh-secondaries into Sim10
All threads resolved!
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
# Cuts: LoKi::GenCutTool/TightCut
# Documentation: secondary D*+ -> D0 (-> K- K+) decays with B0 parent, tight cuts to match Run2 HLT requirements of prompt D02HH
# Documentation: Secondary D*+ -> D0 (-> K- K+) pi+ decays with B~0 parent, tight cuts to match the requirements of the
# Run-3 prompt HLT2 lines.
# EndDocumentation
# InsertPythonCode:
@@ -16,22 +17,21 @@
# signal = Generation(genAlgName).SignalRepeatedHadronization
# signal.addTool ( LoKi__GenCutTool , 'TightCut' )
# tightCut = signal.TightCut
# tightCut.Decay = '[ [B0]cc --> ^(D*(2010)- => ^( D~0 => ^K+ ^K- ) pi-) ... ]CC'
# tightCut.Decay = '[ [B0]cc --> (D*(2010)- => ( D~0 => K+ K- ) pi-) ... ]CC'
# tightCut.Preambulo += [
# 'from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import micrometer, MeV, GeV ',
# 'from LoKiCore.math import atan2 ',
# 'inAccLoose = in_range ( 0.012 , GTHETA , 0.35 ) & in_range ( -0.3 , atan2(GPX , GPZ), 0.3 ) & in_range ( -0.26 , atan2(GPY , GPZ), 0.26 ) ',
# 'inAcc = in_range ( 0.014 , GTHETA , 0.30 ) & in_range ( -0.28 , atan2(GPX , GPZ), 0.28 ) & in_range ( -0.24 , atan2(GPY , GPZ), 0.24 ) ',
# 'fastTrack = ( GPT > 775 * MeV ) & ( GP > 4.85 * GeV ) ',
# 'goodTrack = inAccLoose & fastTrack ',
# 'goodD0 = inAcc & ( GPT > 1.94 * GeV ) ',
# 'goodSlowPion = ( GPT > 190 * MeV ) & ( GP > 0.97 * GeV ) & inAcc ',
# 'goodDst = GCHILDCUT ( goodSlowPion , "[ D*(2010)+ => Charm ^pi+ ]CC" ) '
# 'fastTrack = ( GPT > 775 * MeV ) & ( GP > 4.85 * GeV )',
# 'goodTrack = inAccLoose & fastTrack',
# 'goodD0 = inAcc & ( GPT > 1.94 * GeV ) & ( 2 == GNINTREE( goodTrack ) ) & ( "D0" == GABSID )',
# 'goodSlowPion = ( GPT > 190 * MeV ) & ( GP > 0.97 * GeV ) & inAcc',
# 'goodDst = ( GCHILDCUT(goodD0, "[ D*(2010)+ => ^D0 pi+ ]CC") ) & ( GCHILDCUT(goodSlowPion, "[ D*(2010)+ => D0 ^pi+ ]CC") )',
# 'goodB = GINTREE( goodDst )'
# ]
# tightCut.Cuts = {
# '[D*(2010)-]cc' : 'goodDst ',
# '[D~0]cc' : 'goodD0 ',
# '[K+]cc' : 'goodTrack '
# '[B0]cc' : 'goodB'
# }
# EndInsertPythonCode
@@ -39,62 +39,84 @@
# Tested: Yes
# Responsible: Tommaso Pajero
# Email:
# Date: 20200129
# Date: 20241002
# CPUTime: < 1 min
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alias MyD*+ D*+
Alias MyD*- D*-
ChargeConj MyD*+ MyD*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alias MyD0 D0
Alias MyantiD0 anti-D0
ChargeConj MyD0 MyantiD0
Alias MyAntiD0 anti-D0
ChargeConj MyD0 MyAntiD0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Decay B0sig
5.05001 MyD*- mu+ nu_mu PHOTOS HQET2 1.122 0.910 1.270 0.852; #rho^2 ha1 R1 R2; HFLAG Spring 2019
5.05 MyD*- e+ nu_e PHOTOS HQET2 1.122 0.910 1.270 0.852; #rho^2 ha1 R1 R2; HFLAG Spring 2019
1.57 MyD*- tau+ nu_tau ISGW2;
0.274 MyD*- pi+ SVS;
1.5 MyD*- pi+ pi0 PHSP;
0.68 rho+ MyD*- SVV_HELAMP 0.317 0.19 0.936 0.0 0.152 1.47;
0.0212 MyD*- K+ SVS;
0.03 MyD*- K0 pi+ PHSP;
0.033 MyD*- K*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.283 0.0 0.932 0.0 0.228 0.0;
0.129 MyD*- K+ anti-K*0 PHSP;
0.721 MyD*- pi+ pi+ pi- PHSP;
0.57 MyD*- rho0 pi+ PHSP;
1.30 MyD*- a_1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.200 0.0 0.866 0.0 0.458 0.0;
0.047 MyD*- K+ pi- pi+ PHSP;
1.76 MyD*- pi+ pi+ pi- pi0 PHSP;
0.47 MyD*- pi+ pi+ pi+ pi- pi- PHSP;
0.246 MyD*- omega pi+ PHSP;
0.80 MyD*- D_s+ SVS;
1.77 D_s*+ MyD*- SVV_HELAMP 0.4904 0.0 0.7204 0.0 0.4904 0.0;
0.15 MyD*- D_s0*+ SVS;
0.93 MyD*- D_s1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.4904 0. 0.7204 0. 0.4904 0.;
0.083 MyD*- D'_s1+ PHSP;
0.080 MyD*- D*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.56 0.0 0.96 0.0 0.47 0.0;
0.080 D*- MyD*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.56 0.0 0.96 0.0 0.47 0.0;
0.061 MyD*+ D- SVS;
0.247 MyD*- D0 K+ PHSP;
1.06 MyD*- D*0 K+ PHSP;
0.18 MyD*- D+ K0 PHSP;
0.47 D- MyD*+ K0 PHSP;
0.81 MyD*- D*+ K0 PHSP;
0.81 D*- MyD*+ K0 PHSP;
0.14 MyD*- p+ anti-n0 PHSP;
0.047 MyD*- p+ anti-p- pi+ PHSP;
0.0497 MyD*- e+ nu_e PHOTOS HQET2 1.122 0.921 1.270 0.852; # [PDG 2023] + form factor HFLAV Spring 2019 rho^2 (ha1 unchanged) R1 R2; normalisation factor ha1 has no impact on kinematics
0.0497 MyD*- mu+ nu_mu PHOTOS HQET2 1.122 0.921 1.270 0.852; # [PDG 2023] + form factor HFLAV Spring 2019 rho^2 (ha1 unchanged) R1 R2; normalisation factor ha1 has no impact on kinematics
0.0177 MyD*- D_s*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.620 -0.05 0.758 0.0 0.20 0.11; # [PDG 2024] NOTE phi+ and phi- swapped between PDG and (we follow the latter)
0.0176 MyD*- pi+ pi+ pi- pi0 PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.0158 MyD*- tau+ nu_tau ISGW2; # [PDG 2023]
0.015 MyD*- pi+ pi0 PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.0106 MyD*- D*0 K+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.0093 MyD*- D_s1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.620 -0.05 0.758 0.0 0.20 0.11; # [BF from PDG 2024, pdgid S042.98], decay model like in D*- D_s*+ TODO
0.0081 MyD*- D*+ K0 PHSP; # [PDG 2023, includes also S042.272 with BF 0.00050]
0.0081 MyD*+ D*- K0 PHSP; # x2 to account double D*
0.0080 MyD*- D_s+ SVS; # [PDG 2023]
0.00721 MyD*- a_1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.200 0.0 0.866 0.0 0.458 0.0; # [PDG 2023], BF taken from D*- pi- pi+ pi+ rather than 0.0130
# 0.00721 MyD*- pi- pi+ pi+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023] Removed as already included in (MyD*- a_1+)
0.0068 MyD*- rho+ SVV_HELAMP 0.107 1.42 0.941 0.0 0.322 0.31; # []
# 0.0057 MyD*- rho0 pi+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023] Removed as already included in (MyD*- a_1+)
0.005 MyD*- D*+ K*0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.005 MyD*+ D*- K*0 PHSP; # x2 to account double D*
0.005 MyD*- D*0 K*+ PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.0047 MyD*+ D- K0 PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.0047 MyD*- pi+ pi+ pi+ pi- pi- PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.00274 MyD*- pi+ SVS; # [PDG 2023]
0.0025 MyD*- D0 K*+ PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.0025 MyD*- D+ K*0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.0025 MyD*+ D- K*0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00247 MyD*- D0 K+ PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.00246 MyD*- omega pi+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.0018 MyD*- D+ K0 PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.0015 MyD*- D_s0*+ SVS; # [PDG 2023]
0.00145 MyD*- p+ anti-n0 PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.0014 MyD*- pi+ pi- e+ nu_e PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.0014 MyD*- pi+ pi- mu+ nu_mu PHSP; # [PDG 2020]
0.00129 MyD*- K+ anti-K*0 PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.001 MyD*- rho+ pi0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.001 MyD*- pi0 pi+ pi0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00083 MyD*- D'_s1+ PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00080 MyD*- D*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.6095 0.0 0.7899 0.0 0.067 0.0; # [PDG 2024 +] TODO phases
0.00080 D*- MyD*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.6095 0.0 0.7899 0.0 0.067 0.0; # x2 to account double D* TODO phases
# |H0|^2 = Gamma_L / Gamma
# |H_perp|^2 = Gamma_perp / Gamma
# |H_par|^2 = Gamma_par / Gamma
# Gamma_L + Gamma_perp + Gamma_par = Gamma
# H+ = (H_perp + H_par) / sqrt(2), H- = (H_perp - H_par) / sqrt(2)
0.00061 MyD*+ D- SVS; # [PDG 2023]
0.00047 MyD*- K+ pi- pi+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.00047 MyD*- p+ pi+ anti-p- PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.00045 MyD*- pi0 e+ nu_e PHOTOS GOITY_ROBERTS; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00045 MyD*- pi0 mu+ nu_mu PHOTOS GOITY_ROBERTS; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00033 MyD*- K*+ SVV_HELAMP 0.283 0.0 0.932 0.0 0.228 0.0; # [PDG 2023]
0.0003 MyD*- K0 pi+ PHSP; # [PDG 2023]
0.000305 MyD*- D+ SVS; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.000212 MyD*- K+ SVS; # [PDG 2023]
0.00016 MyD*- K_1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.228 0.0 0.932 0.0 0.283 0.0; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00016 MyD*- K'_1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.228 0.0 0.932 0.0 0.283 0.0; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
0.00005 MyD*- K+ pi0 PHSP; # from decay.dec (not measured yet)
CDecay anti-B0sig
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Decay MyD*-
1.0 MyantiD0 pi- VSS;
1.0 MyAntiD0 pi- VSS;
CDecay MyD*+
Decay MyantiD0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Decay MyAntiD0
1.0 K+ K- PHSP;
CDecay MyD0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------