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counters + return of log summary, explain log

Ryunosuke O'Neil requested to merge explainlog into main
  • Counters are very dense and still difficult to parse. Need a way to organise / categorise / present them so the user doesn't ignore them by default. (see Counter groups below)
  • Think about moving counters below output viewer or below log viewer
  • ??? profit

TODO: counter "groups"

  • Unpacker counters (alg name starts with Unpack or counter name contains bank )
  • Standard Particle algorithms
  • User-configured selections and tupling algorithms (how do we pick these out)
    • Use DecayTreeTuple specific log messages matching algorithm name
  • Application specific counters (Algorithm names are always the same)
  • Other/uncategorised


Edited by Ryunosuke O'Neil

Merge request reports