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Looking forward improvements (single commit version)

Single commit version of !95 (closed) based on master

main changes by Daniel:

triplet seeding search windows are based on UT momentum estimate for high multiplicity events (empirically found to work better for those)
triplet seeding is done in one kernel, best triplet candidates selected from all triplet searches
track forwarding to X is also done in one kernel
precalculated UV windows (per UT track) are used for calculating finer UV windows (per scifi track seed)
improve throughput of velo search by triplet

main changes by Dorothea: make result deterministic, i.e. tracks -> efficiencies don't depend on execution order

number of allowed SciFi tracks = # of UT tracks found x factor
track container accessed through UT track index during x-hit collection
x filter selects best candidates per UT track based on quality and saves those up to a certain cut-off
during uv-hit collection, track container is accessed per event
much less memory is required for the track containers

both changes resulted in lower ghost rate and higher throughput

Merge request reports
