Merging HLT1 NN ghost killer with forward_then_matching_no_ut optimisation
Built on top of !1385 (closed) adding the NN ghost killer from !1405 (closed).
Plots using /scratch/allen_data/mdf_input/2024-expected-mdfs/mdf_sim-20231017-vc-md100/BsPhiPhi.mdf
using the latest master which includes the improvement on 2024 MC from !1408 (merged).
I think it's the first time I see ~95% efficiency on long tracks with 4-5% ghost!
Forward no UT: efficiency | Forward no UT: ghost |
Seeding&Matching: efficiency | Seeding&Matching: ghost |
forward_then_matching_no_ut: efficiency | forward_then_matching_no_ut: ghost |
NEW forward_then_matching_no_ut: efficiency | NEW forward_then_matching_no_ut: ghost |
Edited by Alessandro Scarabotto