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Add bending in y-direction to Velo-SciFi matching

Jiahui Zhuo requested to merge jzhuo_FixMatchingAsym into 2024-patches

Address the asymmetry issue described in #537 (comment 7904442)

Adding the Y direction bending parametrization back to HLT1 matching, using the same input variables as HTL2. Reference in HLT2:

Remove the non-sense correction in VELO extrapolation

Before the fix: image

After the fix: image

The bending parametrization is computed with 2024-expected MC, the validation plots are obtained with dumped mep (run=291817)

FYI: @dovombru @cagapopo @tevans @lohenry @adeoyang

Edited by Jiahui Zhuo

Merge request reports
