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Draft: Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update

Closed Sajan Easo requested to merge Rich1-MirrorSurvey-Updates-June2023 into master
1 unresolved thread

The information from RICH1 mirror survey became available recently. They are included in this update. This is verified in simulation and the next step is to see if we get an improvement in RICH1 alignment from real data. Afterwards we shall try to come up with a way to use this, in the light of the alignment updates already made in the conditions database. This version also fixes some minor overlaps in RICH1 that were discovered recently. For now this MR is kept as a draft.

Validated by

  • Core Software
  • RTA
  • Simulation
Edited by Sebastien Ponce

Merge request reports

Approved by
Test summary results are being parsed

Closed by Sajan EasoSajan Easo 1 year ago (Jan 16, 2024 5:41pm UTC)

Merge details

  • The changes were not merged into master.


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  • Tracking
  • assigned to @bcouturi

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 39c2cc49 - Minor Update on Rich1 Mirror1 ROC from survey

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 42d10d4b - updated checksums for Rich1MirrorSurvey update

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 18 commits

    added 18 commits

    • 42d10d4b...cb7af27d - 14 commits from branch master
    • 5e20f9ba - Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update and some minor overlap fixes
    • 11f63d3b - Fixed formatting
    • 696278ae - Minor Update on Rich1 Mirror1 ROC from survey
    • cfd7fd3e - updated checksums for Rich1MirrorSurvey update

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 8078c810 - Rich2 Large Mapmt CopyNUmber scheme Updated in July 2023

    Compare with previous version

    • Author Developer
      Resolved by Sajan Easo

      This seems to fail with test on Checksums, when it tries to access a parameter. The parameter is available in the file .../compact/trunk/Rich1/GeomParam/Rich1Run3PhysVolGeneralCopyNumbers.xml. It is similar to other parameters in the same file which work OK. Hence I guess it may be some issue with Checksum testing.

  • Sajan Easo mentioned in merge request !425 (merged)

    mentioned in merge request !425 (merged)

  • Sajan Easo added 49 commits

    added 49 commits

    • 8078c810...d43411a0 - 47 commits from branch master
    • f85ff964 - Merge branch 'master' into Rich1-MirrorSurvey-Updates-June2023
    • 62cf9909 - Updates to facilitate visualisation of a single RICH with geoDisplay

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 6 commits

    added 6 commits

    • 62cf9909...972bac79 - 4 commits from branch master
    • 95e91c93 - Merge branch 'master' into Rich1-MirrorSurvey-Updates-June2023
    • 3d9f89b4 - Keeping up to date wrt. latest Detector Aug04-2023

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • d53f0c70 - Introduced Rich Geometry versioning

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo resolved all threads

    resolved all threads

  • Author Developer

    This will need new references created as there are minor changes to geometry resulting from Rich1 mirror survey.

  • Sajan Easo added 34 commits

    added 34 commits

    • d53f0c70...9a112820 - 25 commits from branch master
    • 6651c004 - Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update and some minor overlap fixes
    • 88da81fa - Fixed formatting
    • 715fe609 - Minor Update on Rich1 Mirror1 ROC from survey
    • a74efc2d - updated checksums for Rich1MirrorSurvey update
    • 23f70c1a - Updates to facilitate visualisation of a single RICH with geoDisplay
    • 930a164e - Keeping up to date wrt. latest Detector Aug04-2023
    • 0c3b7a94 - Introduced Rich Geometry versioning
    • 0f36198f - Using a single geo cpp file for each Rich system
    • e8c326cc - Update checksums sept19-2023

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Author Developer

    I an guessing that this time, the pipeline failure on checksums occurs due to the fact that the reference does yet not have a directory named ../compact/Rich_RUN3_v1_01092023. If so, it is best to create such an area in the reference and then run the test on checksum.

    • Author Developer
      Resolved by Sebastien Ponce

      The number of geo cpp files reduced to a single file for each RICH detector, following the recent suggestion from @clemenci and @sponce . Since this MR changes the Rich1 mirror1 geometry to the survey values, the mirror-alignments so far will not be valid for this MR. The current plan is to use this update for future runs so that the new mirror-alignments for those runs will be made compatible with the version of Detector which has this MR merged. (The old runs will continue to use the ..compact/Rich_RUN3_v1_01092023 area so that the current alignements for those runs continue to be valid). The versioning is introduced in the C++ files so that it uses the appropriate compact/xx area. In this context, the merging of this MR need to be communicated to the RTA colleagues so that when they start to use the Detector with this MR, they start to make RICH1 mirror alignments with respect to this version.

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • a2cc5101 - Minor improvement in GeomVersion

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 881e4710 - Removing couple of comment lines

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • b923475e - Minor updates to the way of defining the version label

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Gloria Corti changed the description

    changed the description

  • Sajan Easo added 42 commits

    added 42 commits

    Compare with previous version

  • Sajan Easo added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Sebastien Ponce marked the checklist item Core Software as completed

    marked the checklist item Core Software as completed

  • Sebastien Ponce approved this merge request

    approved this merge request

  • Sajan Easo marked this merge request as ready

    marked this merge request as ready

  • Sajan Easo changed title from Draft: Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update and some minor overlap fixes to Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update

    changed title from Draft: Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update and some minor overlap fixes to Rich1 MirrorSurvey Update

  • Author Developer

    We are hoping to merge this, before the compact directory structure changes globally. After discussion with @bcouturi, we are wondering if this scheduling OK for @gcorti. This is so that we can start to use this version for processing real data, in collaboration with RTA.

  • Author Developer

    Just waiting for RefBot update before running any CiTest, assuming it is needed by protocol.

  • mentioned in commit LHCb@1cf073a5

  • mentioned in commit Moore@5b84d5f4

  • Software for LHCb mentioned in merge request LHCb!4310 (closed)

    mentioned in merge request LHCb!4310 (closed)

  • mentioned in commit Panoptes@6be73dd6

  • mentioned in merge request Moore!2690 (closed)

    • The RefBot pipeline created the following reference update MRs: LHCb!4310 (closed), Moore!2690 (closed), Panoptes!299 (closed)

      Click this to see encountered Alignment warnings
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-ft-modules not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Update of Alignment/Humboldt/tests/refs/align-ft-modules.ref not possible, mixed statuses of 'passed' and 'failed' found:
      {'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt': 'passed',
      'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg': 'failed',
      'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt': 'passed'}
      Alignment: Correctness for treatment of Alignment/Humboldt/tests/refs/align-ft-modules.ref.detdesc not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'timeout')]
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-ft-halfmodules not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Correctness for treatment of Humboldt.align-ft-halfmodules not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'timeout'),
      ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'timeout')]
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-vp-halves-modules-prkalman not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-run3-collisions not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Update of Alignment/Humboldt/tests/refs/align-run3-collisions.ref not possible, mixed statuses of 'passed' and 'failed' found:
      {'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt': 'failed',
      'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg': 'passed',
      'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt': 'passed'}
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-vp-halves-modules-tmf not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-vp-sensors-prkalman not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}
      Alignment: Warning, results for test: Humboldt.align-vp-halves-modules-splititer not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g'}

      Click this to see encountered Boole warnings
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test Boole.boole-write-xdigi contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test Boole.boole-upgrade-baseline contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test Boole.boole-VP contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test Boole.check-raw-data contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test Boole.boole-spillover contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test without ref failed: Boole.check-raw-data!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.boole-upgrade-baseline contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.boole-write-xdigi contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.boole-Rich contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.boole-VP contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.check-raw-data contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test Boole.boole-spillover contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test without ref failed: Boole.check-raw-data!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test Boole.boole-upgrade-baseline contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test Boole.boole-write-xdigi contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test Boole.boole-VP contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test Boole.check-raw-data contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test Boole.boole-spillover contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test without ref failed: Boole.check-raw-data!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test Boole.boole-write-xdigi contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test Boole.boole-upgrade-baseline contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test Boole.boole-VP contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test Boole.check-raw-data contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test Boole.boole-spillover contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Boole/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test without ref failed: Boole.check-raw-data!
      Boole: Correctness for treatment of Boole.boole-write-xdigi not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'error')]
      Boole: Correctness for treatment of Boole.boole-upgrade-baseline not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'error')]
      Boole: Different test results for Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich-with-time.ref on platforms ['x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g']
      Boole: Comparing x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt to:
      Boole:	 x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg differs by:
      Boole:	 Differences in Output Diff:
      Boole:	x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt:
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18432 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=0 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18433 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=1 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18434 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=2 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18435 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=3 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      Boole:	x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg:
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18432 | 00004800:0100100000000000 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=0 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18433 | 00004801:0100100000000001 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=1 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18434 | 00004802:0100100000000010 | Partition=9 Rich2 ASide-left | ID=2 ] is missing in LHCb Tel40 Link condition
      +RichDecodeTest    WARNING Source ID [ 18...
      Boole:	 x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt is identical
      Boole:	 x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g is identical
      Boole: Correctness for treatment of Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich.ref not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error')]
      Boole: Correctness for treatment of Boole.boole-VP not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'error')]
      Boole: Correctness for treatment of Boole.boole-spillover not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'error')]
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-upgrade-baseline.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-upgrade-baseline.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-reprocess-xdigi.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-reprocess-xdigi.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-spillover.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-spillover.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-dump-raw.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-dump-raw.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-write-xdigi.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-write-xdigi.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-UT.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-UT.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich-with-time.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-Rich-with-time.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: Found diff for symlinked ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-VP.ref, but original ref: Digi/Boole/tests/refs/boole-VP.ref.detdesc is unchanged
      Boole: no references to update!

      Click this to see encountered LHCb warnings
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: FSRAlgs.mergesmallfiles not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: RichDetectors.test-run-change-2022-data not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: Magnet.test_demagnet not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: Magnet.test_magfieldsvc not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_and_reserve not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_no_reserve not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_no_reserve_sharedcond not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_as_json not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_as_yaml not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_no_prop not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      LHCb: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.no_begin_event not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}

      Click this to see encountered Moore warnings
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_all_lines contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_all_lines!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco!
      Moore/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_check_output_with_reco!
      Moore/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g: Test without ref failed: Hlt2Conf.test_turbo_hlt2_check_output_with_reco_with_streams_mdf!
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Moore.test_lbexec_hlt2_pp_2022_reprocessing_data_check not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt1Conf.dump_for_standalone_allen not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_flavourtagging_flavourtaggers not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_reco_plus_thor_selections_fastest not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.VP_cluster_monitoring_baseline not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.VP_cluster_monitoring_retina not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_calo_resolution_pi0 not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_calo_resolution_gamma not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt1Conf.performance.pp_track_mva not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_flavourtagging_sskaontagger not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_reco_plus_thor_selections not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_reco_plus_thor_selections_legacy not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_noUT_trackefflines not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_trackefflines not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_hlt2_with_hlt1_decisions not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: Hlt2Conf.test_persistreco_check_flavourtags not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.VP_cluster_monitoring not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.VP_tracking_monitors not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.allen_gaudi_velo_ut_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_pvs_PatPV3DFuture not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_reco_allen_calo_efficiency not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_reco_allen_calo_resolution not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking_FTv6 not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt1_reco_decode_retina_with_mcchecking_FTv6 not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_fast_reco not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_fast_reco_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_fastest_reco_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_lead_lead_light_reco_pr_kf not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_lead_lead_light_reco_pr_kf_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_calo_efficiency not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_pr_kf_velo_open_without_UT_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_pr_kf_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_pr_kf_without_UT_on_data_with_monitoring_2022 not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_tracking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_light_reco_without_UT_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_pattern_reco_hit_masking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_pr_kf_longmuon not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_pr_kf_tool_example not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_protoparticles_baseline not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_protoparticles_fastest not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_protoparticles_ttrack_baseline not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_VP2DMeasurements not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_multi_threaded not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_UTTELL40_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking_MagUp not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking_no_gec not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking_mpp_with_bfield not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_baseline_with_monitoring not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_calo_efficiency not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_calo_v3_tracks not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_full_geometry not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_retina_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_reco_upstream_particles_low_momentum not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.hlt2_ut_filtered_forward_track_reco_with_mcchecking not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Moore: Warning, results for test: RecoConf.pr_kf_special_only not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}

      Click this to see encountered MooreOnline warnings
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test without ref timed out: MooreScripts.alignment!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test MooreScripts.alignment contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test MooreScripts.hlt2slim contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test MooreScripts.plumemon contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test MooreScripts.recomon contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test without ref failed: MooreScripts.alignment!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test without ref failed: MooreScripts.hlt2slim!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test without ref failed: MooreScripts.plumemon!
      MooreOnline/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test without ref failed: MooreScripts.recomon!

      Click this to see encountered Panoptes warnings
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich1_mirror_align_task_noUT_2022_data not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich2_mirror_align_task_noUT_2022_data not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich_ref_index_calib_noUT_2022_data not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich_ref_index_calib_noUT_2023_data not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich2_mirror_align_task_noUT_MC not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich1_mirror_align_task_noUT_MC not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich_ref_index_calib_MC not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}
      Panoptes: Warning, results for test: Panoptes.rich_ref_index_calib_noUT_MC not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g'}

      Click this to see encountered Run2Support warnings
      Run2Support/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt: Test VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Run2Support/x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg: Test VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Run2Support/x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt: Test VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Run2Support/x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g: Test VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf contains nonzero exit code and/or warnings!
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_and_reserve not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_no_reserve not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.begin_event_no_reserve_sharedcond not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_as_json not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_as_yaml not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.detdesc_cond_no_prop not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: DetCond.condition_accessor.no_begin_event not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: Magnet.test_demagnet not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: Magnet.test_magfieldsvc not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Warning, results for test: VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf not found for platforms: {'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-dbg', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt', 'x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12+detdesc-opt+g', 'x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12+detdesc-opt'}
      Run2Support: Correctness for treatment of VPDet.veloaligncond.updates_yaml_pyconf not guaranteed. Test platforms with unclear statuses:
      [('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-gcc12-dbg', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v2-centos7-clang12-opt', 'error'),
       ('x86_64_v3-centos7-gcc12-opt+g', 'error')]

    • @seaso can you check the ref updates look ok for you ?

      @gcorti @rmatev @jonrob can you please validate asap so that we can merge and go on with the next part (refactoring of the geometry data) ?

    • Author Developer

      In LHCb, the ref updates seem to be OK. The Panoptes ref updates are related to the changes in LHCb for Rich1Mirrors in this MR and are using existing alignment. In this context, they seem OK also. (Most of the ref updates in Moore are related to other subdetectors and thus independent of this MR. The very few lines related to RICH seem to be OK).

    • Thanks for the confirmation @seaso. We only need ticking from simulation and RTA then

    • I'll try and take a look from the RT side later on today.

    • @seaso I am a little confused by the changes here. Is the intention here to only change the Rich1 mirror parameters in the new compact geom area this MR adds ? If so then why does anything change w.r.t. compact\trunk ?

    • Ah, my mistake. I had it the wrong way around. trunk is indeed changed and the new area is the one that preserves the previous settings.

    • regarding the tests in Moore, I do not understand the diffs seen in e.g.

      I don't think we can just ignore that, we need to understand why we see this.

    • Finally the updates in Panoptes are also not acceptable as is, as the RICH1 resolution see a significant worsening. i.e.

      Gaus Sigma   = +9.95e-04 +- 6.95e-06


      Gaus Sigma   = +1.83e-03 +- 4.80e-05

      This is most probably because the mirror/panel alignments are no long valid for the trunk geometry.

      I think the RICH alignment team need to prepare the alignment for the new compact/trunk parameters and have that ready to me merged at the same time as this update.

      @jreich FYI

      Edited by Christopher Rob Jones
    • I am going to mark this as Draft again, as from the RTA side I am not happy to mark this as ready before the new alignment is also produced. See my comment here

      Edited by Christopher Rob Jones
    • Author Developer

      Hello, Indeed, it was already shown some time ago (by the alignment people) that a wrong combination of 'Detector' and 'alignment' would worsen the resolution as seen in these Panoptes tests which is using the 'existing' alignment.

      As I understood earlier, the alignment people were waiting for this MR to happen so that they can then start uploading the corresponding 'alignment parameters' essentially at the same time. In this context, to break the impasse, perhaps @jreich and @pnaik may update the conditions DB and keep @jonrob and others posted. I guess this can happen soon, since a version of conddb parameters are essentially already available.

    • My basic point is the alignment does not have to wait for this to be in master before then producing a new update. That can be done before this is merged, validated, and then merged at the same time as this. That way there is no period where the performance using the trunk compact geom. is degraded without having a new alignment to compensate.

    • Hi Chris, would it be sufficient to update just the panel constants (I have these on hand)? The resolutions are 1.08 and 1.065 mrad for the top and bottom panels respectively. I only ask since Alex is away for the week, who was tinkering with the mirror alignment and it is currently in some different state which I'm not entirely sure how to fix without his help.

    • Apologies, they're a bit larger, about 1.17 mrad for both.

    • Thats still quite a bit worse than what we are getting right now. I would prefer to wait until you have had chance to create a full alignment, which retains (or betters) the current resolutions.

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  • mentioned in merge request Panoptes!299 (closed)

  • added RICH label

  • Christopher Rob Jones marked this merge request as draft

    marked this merge request as draft

  • Author Developer

    Since the 'Detector' package is now reconfigured, this branch is not maintained anymore and is replaced by another branch. This MR is therefore closed.

  • closed

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