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Fixed Hlt1Conf.persistency.mdf_read_decs_allen.qmt prerequisites

The success of the test Hlt1Conf.persistency.mdf_read_decs_allen depends on the completion of the test Hlt1Conf.persistency.assign_allen_tck. This dependence was not declared in the test.

Details: The script for Hlt1Conf.persistency.mdf_read_decs_allen.qmt reads and decodes the .mdf produced by Hlt1Conf.persistency.allen_mdf_write.qmt. This .mdf is produced with the hard-coded TCK 0x11300000. In order to decode the TCK, Hlt1Conf.persistency.mdf_read_decs_allen.qmt reads the TCKData/config.cdb file that is produced by Hlt1Conf.persistency.make_allen_tck.qmt and updated with the correct TCK by Hlt1Conf.persistency.assign_allen_tck.qmt.

When assign_allen_tck.qmt is not run before mdf_read_decs_allen.qmt, the latter fails due to an inability to resolve TCK/0x11300000. In general testing, the tests are executed in this order, but the lack of the explicit dependence causes a failure if mdf_read_decs_allen.qmt is executed alone.

Loosely related to Issue #252 (closed).

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