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Cleaning up the SLB lines and builders

Suzanne Klaver requested to merge SLB_ThOr_migration into master

This MR addresses:

  • the comments from #365 (closed)
  • cleaning up the code
  • combining similar lines per file: HbToHcLNu, HbToHcTauNu_TauToPiPiPiNu, HbToHcTauNu_TauToLNuNu, HbToHcLNu, HbToHcTauNu_TauToLNuNu, HbToHcTauNu_TauToPiPiPiNu, HbToHHLNu
  • reformatting all the lines in the Hlt2 vs. sprucing style
  • giving clear names to each the base builders (still needs to be done for anything involving muons or electrons in the next MR)

No new lines are added, it's only a reorganization from existing lines, and implements comments from the previous MR.

The next MR will address adding the information that's needed to be persisted in order to do charged and neutral isolation offline. This information can also be used to build excited states from the ground states for which we already have selection lines.

Edited by Suzanne Klaver

Merge request reports
