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BnoC: HLT2 / Spruce lines: 2-/3-/4-/5-body baryonic modes

Miroslav Saur requested to merge msaur_bnoc_run3_baryonic into master

Collection of new BnoC baryonic lines, currently still work in progress.

Implemented new modules (based on the final state):

  • bbaryon_to_phh
  • bbaryon_to_phhh
  • bbaryon_to_l0hhh
  • bbaryon_to_lightbaryon_hh
  • bbaryon_to_hyperon_4h


  • evaluate and tune basic builders, per specific selection or per decay topology - general cuts looks suitable for all modes at this moment
  • finish various missing lines - all planned modules implemented
  • crosscheck overlap with already existing modules - bbaryon_to_lightbaryon_h rewritten, some modules / decay topologies could be further reorganised
  • evaluate full rates - resulting rates listed on the bottom of the description

Future plans (outside of the scope of this MR)

  • crosscheck with the topo lines - on hold until (mostly) final topo tuning for 2023 and later for 2024+
  • based on previous step look on simple MVA-preselection per decay topology - more a long term work for a few months, first steps already ongoing

Resulting rates:

  • rates were obtained using upgrade_minbias_hlt1_filtered sample, thus all the values should represent an upper limit of possible rates
  • only lines with non-zero rates are listed (using 2023 reconstruction sequence):
HLT2 line Rate [Hz]
Hlt2BnoC_Lb0ToPpPimPipPim_NoPID 402
Hlt2BnoC_Lb0ToPpPpPmKm 67
Hlt2BnoC_Lb0ToPpPpPmPim 67
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpKS0KmPim_LL 67
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpKS0KmKm_LL 67
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpKS0KmPim_DD 67
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpKmKm 67
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpKmPim 201
Hlt2BnoC_XibmToPpPimPim 201
TOTAL HLT2 Turbo stream 1340
Sprucing line Rate [Hz]
SpruceBnoC_Lb0ToPpKmPipPim 134
SpruceBnoC_Lb0ToPpKpKmKm 67
SpruceBnoC_Lb0ToPpKpPimPim 67
SpruceBnoC_Lb0ToPpPimPipPim 67
TOTAL Sprucing 335

FYI: @amerli @tlatham @wbqian @zhangy @ziyiw

Edited by Eduardo Rodrigues

Merge request reports
