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Configuration for HLT2 PrVeloUT

Andre Gunther requested to merge gunther-loose-upstream-config into 2024-patches

There's some physics interest in HLT2 Upstream tracks. The current default config of the PrVeloUT aims at reconstructing higher momentum tracklets that are really part of a Long track (i.e. a HLT1 scenario). Given that PrVeloUT does not need to fulfill the HLT1 purpose anymore, let's use it for actually finding a decent amount of Upstream-notLong tracks.

The long tail of "high-momentum" Upstream tracks are actually many Long track segments which are not Long-reconstructible. This is also why BestUpstream has significantly less efficiency at high momenta -- the de-cloning w.r.t BestLong kills a lot of them.

  • check throughput impact

Closes #640

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Edited by Andre Gunther

Merge request reports
