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QEE: Add high-pT single electron sprucing lines

Ross John Hunter requested to merge spruce-qee-single-electron-lines into master

FYI @lugrazet

Recently noticed that we have no single electron sprucing lines in master, so added 4 lines which are pass-through on their HLT2 counterparts and have persistreco=True.

I've explicitly checked that each line is a 100% passthrough on its parent HLT2 line by running 1 job/HLT2 line on Z->ee MC -> an MDF, then sprucing that MDF with the sprucing line in question and seeing that the efficiency of the sprucing step is 100%. I did this for each pair of (HLT2, sprucing) lines.

I've also explicitly checked that the efficiencies of the Hlt2 single electron lines were unaffected by the syntax changes in their thresholds.

Also fixed a typo in the doc string of one of the other sprucing lines.

This is ready to be tested (we can use the sprucing BW test) & merged now. If it goes in after !2743 (merged) or !2733 (merged) then more changes will be needed.


Edited by Ross John Hunter

Merge request reports
