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RD: add BTohhGamma_GammaToEELL lines

Fionn Caitlin Ros Bishop requested to merge fibishop-b2hhgee into master
  • HLT2 lines to select B->(Kpi,KK,pipi,pK)gamma for LL converted gamma + corresponding sprucing lines to run on output of Hlt2RD_BToHHGamma_GammaToEE once it is optimised
  • Adding brem to gamma_to_ee builder and tightening selections

Rates and efficiencies

Assuming input rate = 1.14MHz

MB input sample = 100K expected_2024_min_bias_hlt1_filtered

HLT2 Trubo lines (added lines)

Line Rate / Hz Signal efficiency / %
BdToKpPimGamma_GammaToEELL 23+/-16 0.3+/-0.1
BdToPipPimGamma_GammaToEELL 34+/-20 0.24+/-0.05
BsToKpKmGamma_GammaToEELL 34+/-20 0.27+/-0.05
LbToPpKmGamma_GammaToEELL 11+/-11 0.25+/-0.05

HLT2 inclusive full-stream lines (modified builders)

Line Old Rate / kHz New Rate / kHz
Hlt2RD_BToHHGamma_GammaToEE_InclDecision 0.89 +/- 0.1 0.25 +/- 0.05
Hlt2RD_BToHHHGamma_GammaToEE_InclDecision 0.62 +/- 0.08 0.18 +/- 0.05

Sprucing lines (added lines)

Rates not tested but very low rates expected: 100 Hz in case of full overlap between the new sprucing lines selection and the inclusive ones they sit on top of. Overlap may be low-ish, so 10Hz addition is more realistic. Quite well motivated: we need to validate the inclusive lines behaviour and these are the first sprucing lines on top of the converted photon radiative inclusive lines targeting converted photons.


Edited by Fionn Caitlin Ros Bishop

Merge request reports
