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RD Xtaul isolation

Lakshan Madhan requested to merge rd_xtaul_iso into master

Isolation information for RD lines of b\rightarrow X \tau \ell with \tau \rightarrow e,\mu.

For all lines, isolation is added on the b parent, the proxy intermediate of hhl and the lepton from the tau. In the MR,

The base bandwith calculated from master branch

Cut range of parent, intermediate DR2 Cut range of lepton track DR2 RD Turbo lines (GB/s) RD All lines (GB/s) average bandwidth/line (GB/s)
None (master) None (master) 0.5472 0.7524 -
(0.2, 0.6) (0.2, 0.4) 0.6156 (+12.5%) 0.798(+6.1%) 0.001
(0.1, 0.6) (0.1, 0.4) 0.6384(+16.7%) 0.8208(+9.1%) -
(0, 0.4) (0, 0.4) 0.6384(+16.7%) 0.8208(+9.1%) -
(0, 0.6) (0, 0.4) 0.6384(+16.7%) 0.8436(+12.1%) -
(0, 0.6) (0, 0.3) 0.6384(+16.7%) 0.8208(+9.1%) 0.0012

Currently using the highlighted row as default in the MR. The average bandwidth per line is above the 1MB/s recommended by the RD WG. However since the channel studied here is difficult to seperate background and potential signal I hope the small additional bandwidth used is justified.

This merge requests supersedes the parent isolation in merge request !2925 (merged)

Edited by Lakshan Madhan

Merge request reports
