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Add Bc->3hmumu lines

Richard Morgan Williams requested to merge add_2h_3h_btoxmumu_lines into master

Adding lines for Bc+ -> h+h+h- mu mu. Following MR !2978 (merged)

@nsahoo Does this meet requirements?

No MC for this decay, so unknown efficiency.

(Inclusive Rates, For old and new, ran over slightly different number of minbias)

Line Prior Rate New Rate
Hlt2RD_BcTohphphmMuMu N/A 0.114 \pm 0.029
Hlt2RD_BcTohphphmMuMu_SameSign N/A 0.068 \pm 0.022
Hlt2RD_BuToKpKpKmMuMu 0.034 \pm 0.015 0.023 \pm 0.001
Hlt2RD_BuToKpKpKmMuMu_SameSign 0.007 \pm 0.007 0.008 \pm 0.008
Hlt2RD_BuToKpKpKmEE 0.081 \pm 0.023 0.061 \pm 0.021
Hlt2RD_BuToKpKpKmEE_SameSign 0.054 \pm 0.019 0.053 \pm 0.020


  • Master (3Kll) : 1140kHz * 2800 KB / 150,000 events = 21.28 MB/s
  • Dev (3Kll+3Khh) (no Iso) : 1140kHz * 5900 KB / 150,000 events = 44.84 MB/s
  • Dev (3Kll+3Khh) (with Iso) : 1140kHz * 6700 KB / 150,000 events = 50.92 MB/s

I investigated Bc+ -> h+h0 mu mu, this is less trivial, and thought will be needed as to the invariant mass range of (h+h0), as well as PID requirements.

Edited by Richard Morgan Williams

Merge request reports
