HLT2 MVA based lines for Lc decays in the Charm WG
This is the implementation of the HLT2 MVA based lines for Lc decays in the Charm WG.
This MR needs an XML file associated to the MR lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!83 (merged)
The rates are:
INFO: Starting /afs/cern.ch/work/a/acampove/stack/DaVinci/HltEfficiencyChecker/scripts/hlt_calculate_rates.py...
INFO: No lines specified. Defaulting to all...
HLT rates:
Line: Hlt2Charm_LcpToPpKmPip_MVA_PRDecision Incl: 0.30579 +/- 0.0450 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line: Hlt2Charm_LcpToPpKmPip_PRDecision Incl: 0.39885 +/- 0.0514 kHz, Excl: 0.09306 +/- 0.0248 kHz
Line: Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToPpKmKmPip_MVA_PRDecision Incl: 0.02659 +/- 0.0132 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line: Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToPpKmKmPip_PRDecision Incl: 0.07977 +/- 0.0230 kHz, Excl: 0.04653 +/- 0.0175 kHz
Line: Hlt2Charm_XicpToPpKmPip_MVA_PRDecision Incl: 0.12630 +/- 0.0289 kHz, Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line: Hlt2Charm_XicpToPpKmPip_PRDecision Incl: 0.19942 +/- 0.0364 kHz, Excl: 0.07312 +/- 0.0220 kHz
Hlt2 Total: Rate: 1 +/- 0.1 kHz
Finished printing HLT rates!
And the corresponding rate vs MVA score plots are:
Edited by Angel Campoverde