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HLT2 MVA based lines for Lc decays in the Charm WG

Angel Campoverde requested to merge lcp_xicp_mva into 2024-patches

This is the implementation of the HLT2 MVA based lines for Lc decays in the Charm WG.

This MR needs an XML file associated to the MR lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!83 (merged)

The rates are:

INFO:    Starting /afs/
INFO:    No lines specified. Defaulting to all...
HLT rates:
Line:    Hlt2Charm_LcpToPpKmPip_MVA_PRDecision           Incl: 0.30579 +/- 0.0450 kHz,  Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2Charm_LcpToPpKmPip_PRDecision               Incl: 0.39885 +/- 0.0514 kHz,  Excl: 0.09306 +/- 0.0248 kHz
Line:    Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToPpKmKmPip_MVA_PRDecision        Incl: 0.02659 +/- 0.0132 kHz,  Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToPpKmKmPip_PRDecision            Incl: 0.07977 +/- 0.0230 kHz,  Excl: 0.04653 +/- 0.0175 kHz
Line:    Hlt2Charm_XicpToPpKmPip_MVA_PRDecision          Incl: 0.12630 +/- 0.0289 kHz,  Excl: 0.0 +/- 0.0 kHz
Line:    Hlt2Charm_XicpToPpKmPip_PRDecision              Incl: 0.19942 +/- 0.0364 kHz,  Excl: 0.07312 +/- 0.0220 kHz
Hlt2 Total:                                          Rate:       1 +/- 0.1 kHz
Finished printing HLT rates!

And the corresponding rate vs MVA score plots are:




Edited by Angel Campoverde

Merge request reports
