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BnoC HLT2/Spruce lines, May selections deadline

Francesca Swystun requested to merge bnoc_run3 into 2024-patches

BnoC HLT2 and spruce lines targeting the May selections deadline will be merged here, before the collective merge into 2024-patches

BnoC MRs targeting this deadline:

Include downstream lines

Global uncomment

  • !3401 (merged) - Include commented BnoC downstream lines in Estimate made for the total bandwidth of these lines including UT in the reconstruction, from this test problematic lines identified and proponents informed. Out of these problematic lines leave commented Bu2KSh downsteam lines, others have merged fixes.

Rate/BW reduction for downstream lines

  • !3469 (merged) - Tighten cuts for Bu2KSh DD/LL lines to reduce problematic rate prior to including downstream lines. Rate of LL lines is still too high but improved from before, will be addressed in a new MR and monitored.
  • !3471 (merged) - Tighten cuts for BdsToKSKS_LLDD(/DDDD) lines to reduce the rate prior to including downstream lines.

HLT2 selections

Rate/BW reduction

  • !3311 (merged) - Tighten requirements in BdsToPpPmhh module. Tightens cuts used on BdsToPpPmKpKm line. BdsToPpPmKpPim and BdsToPpPmPipPim still have problematic bandwidth, leave these lines commented, will be looked at for a future deadline.
  • !3453 (merged) - Tightening PID requirements on protons used in baryonic lines. Also tightens KS DD/LL combination mass windows. Responds to BW differences observed between MC and early data in #766 (closed).
  • !3395 (merged) - Tune BdsToPpPm and BdsToPpPpPmPm lines in response to early data analysis BW in #766 (closed). Also adds cone isolation extra outputs to these lines.
  • !3220 (merged) - Tune B2KSpi0 line in response to #717 (closed).

New lines

  • !3439 (merged) - New module for Bds2LambdaLambdabar, Bds2XipXim, Bds2Xi0Xi0 and BdsToOmegaOmega HLT2 lines. Uses LL/DD tracks, intended to use TT but further development needed, aimed at future deadline.
  • !3433 (merged) - Add B2L0barPHH, B2L0L0barHH lines with TT tracks. Also tighten cuts in to address issues seen in lines in early data BW analysis, discussed in #766 (closed).
  • !3281 (merged) - Add some phi omega lines, fake PID for phi rho and fix a fake PID in an already existing K*phi line. Tidy code in

Move HLT2 to Sprucing

  • !3437 (merged) - Move BuToKShhh lines from HLT2 lines with tight topo MVA cut, to sprucing lines off the topo.
  • !3403 (merged) - Move BdsTohhhh lines from HLT2 lines with tight topo MVA cut, to sprucing lines off the topo. Also, rename these lines and remove ltime cut.

Update persistency of spruce line

  • !3413 (merged) - Add persistreco=True to spruce line BdToPipPim_NoPID.


  • !3393 (merged) - Widen cone angle from dR^2=0.5 to dr^2=1.0 for isolation lines, remove unused code for vertex-based isolation.

Open BnoC MRs which did not meet this deadline:

Edited by Francesca Swystun

Merge request reports
