B2OC: merge request to collect updates for the May 15th Moore deadline
Needs and has to be tested with: lhcb-datapkg/ParamFiles!98 (merged)
This MR includes all the following changes from B2OC WG, aiming for data taking after June TS:
- Tuning of
D0 -> KS h h
builders (!3410 (merged)) - Tuning of
Dst -> D0 pi
andPhi -> K K
builders (!3415 (merged)) - Tuning of
Lb -> Lc+ Lc- (p pbar) n0
lines (!3417 (merged)) - Tuning of
Lb -> D+ D- p
line (!3421 (merged)) - Tuning of
Lb -> Lc pi
lines (!3438 (merged)) - Tuning of
builders (!3446 (merged)) - Tuning of
Dst0 -> D0 pi0 (gamma)
builders (!3455 (merged)) - Enable some of B2OC DD lines (!3459 (merged))
- Update of generic B hadron MVA (!3477 (merged))
Remarks on DD lines: there are 84 HLT2 and 131 Sprucing lines added, the rates/bandwidth will be increased. From a local test on HLT1-filtered min-bias MC (where UT is NOT included in HLT1 but included in HLT2 script), the maximum rate of DD lines is around 30 Hz (3 events fired out of 100k).
Edited by Shunan Zhang