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Tuning Selection criteria for hyperonTT lines

Ziyi Wang requested to merge ziyiw/hyperonTT into Charm2024-July

This task is based on !3653 (merged).

We tune the selection criteria used in hyperonTT-related lines. The main changes are as follows:

  • Enlarge the mass windows for c-baryons
  • Add GhostProb selection to Long/Downstream tracks
  • Fine-tune the remaining cuts based on the Simulation samples and the preliminary results from 2024 data.

The rate/efficiency are estimated based on the expected_2024_min_bias_hlt1_filtered_v2 samples:

Hlt2Charm_LcpToL0PimPipPip_TT_DDD      #=325583  Sum=24    Eff=|(0.007371392 +- 0.00150462)%|
Hlt2Charm_LcpToL0PimPipPip_TT_LLL      #=325583  Sum=76    Eff=|(0.02334274 +- 0.00267728)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToL0KmPip_TT_DD          #=325583  Sum=102   Eff=|(0.03132842 +- 0.00310149)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToL0KmPip_TT_LL          #=325583  Sum=60    Eff=|(0.01842848 +- 0.00237889)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTD_DDD   #=325583  Sum=4     Eff=|(0.001228565 +- 0.000614279)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTD_LLL   #=325583  Sum=1     Eff=|(0.0003071413 +- 0.000307141)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTL_LLL   #=325583  Sum=2     Eff=|(0.0006142827 +- 0.000434362)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTD_D           #=325583  Sum=22    Eff=|(0.006757110 +- 0.00144057)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTD_L           #=325583  Sum=13    Eff=|(0.003992837 +- 0.00110739)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTL_L           #=325583  Sum=29    Eff=|(0.008907099 +- 0.00165393)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToL0KmPipPip_TT_DDD      #=325583  Sum=10    Eff=|(0.003071413 +- 0.000971251)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToL0KmPipPip_TT_LLL      #=325583  Sum=7     Eff=|(0.002149989 +- 0.000812611)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTD_DD       #=325583  Sum=5     Eff=|(0.001535707 +- 0.000686784)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTD_LL       #=325583  Sum=10    Eff=|(0.003071413 +- 0.000971251)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTL_LL       #=325583  Sum=15    Eff=|(0.004607120 +- 0.00118953)%|
charm_writer                           #=301     Sum=301   Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|

We take the results before the tunning as a comparison:

Hlt2Charm_LcpToL0PimPipPip_TT_DDD      #=325583  Sum=0       Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
Hlt2Charm_LcpToL0PimPipPip_TT_LLL      #=325583  Sum=34      Eff=|(0.01044281 +- 0.00179083)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToL0KmPip_TT_DD          #=325583  Sum=70      Eff=|(0.02149989 +- 0.00256945)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToL0KmPip_TT_LL          #=325583  Sum=46      Eff=|(0.01412850 +- 0.00208299)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTD_DDD   #=325583  Sum=0       Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTD_LLL   #=325583  Sum=8       Eff=|(0.002457131 +- 0.000868716)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPimPipPip_TTL_LLL   #=325583  Sum=8       Eff=|(0.002457131 +- 0.000868716)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTD_D           #=325583  Sum=58      Eff=|(0.01781420 +- 0.00233891)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTD_L           #=325583  Sum=16      Eff=|(0.004914261 +- 0.00122854)%|
Hlt2Charm_Xic0ToXimPip_TTL_L           #=325583  Sum=53      Eff=|(0.01627849 +- 0.00223584)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToL0KmPipPip_TT_DDD      #=325583  Sum=0       Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToL0KmPipPip_TT_LLL      #=325583  Sum=5       Eff=|(0.001535707 +- 0.000686784)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTD_DD       #=325583  Sum=4       Eff=|(0.001228565 +- 0.000614279)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTD_LL       #=325583  Sum=28      Eff=|(0.008599958 +- 0.00162517)%|
Hlt2Charm_XicpToXimPipPip_TTL_LL       #=325583  Sum=27      Eff=|(0.008292816 +- 0.00159589)%|
charm_writer                           #=308     Sum=308     Eff=|( 100.0000 +- 0.00000 )%|

The corresponding total bandwidth is changed from 0.00322(GB/s) to 0.00334(GB/s).

FYI @isanders

Edited by Ziyi Wang

Merge request reports
