Adapt lines to new Velo-matching algorithm
Use Rec!4141 (merged) to essentially remove all background from lines that use the Downstream composite to Velo track matching. The rate is reduced by about a factor 2.5.
Xi and Omega lines are now fully inclusive, removing the loose IP and IPCHI2 cut on velo tracks, to also enable an efficient selection of prompt signals. Also the seed selection and the first stage selection in the matching has been loosened.
Throughput is expected to decrease a little, but should be well under control.
Rates before
Hlt2Charm_OmToL0Km_VeloMatch_SP #=1000000 Sum=252 Eff=|(0.02520000 +- 0.00158725)%|
Hlt2Charm_SpToPpMumMup_VeloMatch_SP #=1000000 Sum=1 Eff=|(0.0001000000 +- 9.99999e-05)%|
Hlt2Charm_XimToL0MumNu_VeloMatch_SP #=1000000 Sum=35 Eff=|(0.003500000 +- 0.000591598)%|
Hlt2Charm_XimToL0Pim_VeloMatch_SP #=1000000 Sum=1236 Eff=|(0.1236000 +- 0.00351351)%|
Rates after
Hlt2Charm_OmToL0Km_VeloMatch_SP #=250000 Sum=25 Eff=|(0.01000000 +- 0.00199990)%|
Hlt2Charm_SpToPpMumMup_VeloMatch_SP #=250000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
Hlt2Charm_XimToL0MumNu_VeloMatch_SP #=250000 Sum=0 Eff=|( 0.000000 +- 0.00000 )%|
Hlt2Charm_XimToL0Pim_VeloMatch_SP #=250000 Sum=117 Eff=|(0.04680000 +- 0.00432565)%|
Edited by Marian Stahl