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Script to write default raw event and MC info to MDF file

Dorothea Vom Bruch requested to merge dovombru_MC_mdf_dump into master

Adds a script that combines the default raw event (containing the raw banks of the sub-detectors) with a raw event containing MC information and writes the combined raw events to an MDF file. This allows to dump MDF files (also containing MC information) for Allen standalone running.

The script to dump binary files for Allen standalone running is removed with this MR, as binary files are no longer supported as input for Allen as of Allen!561 (merged).

Adds a qmtest for the dumped MDF file and geometry binaries. This used to be tested in Allen for dumped binary files.

Requires LHCb!3043 (merged); Goes with Rec!2415 (merged) and Allen!561 (merged)

Edited by Dorothea Vom Bruch

Merge request reports
