Add V0 mass monitoring lines
Added the mass monitoring in V0 lines using ParticleMassMonitor (Phys!939 (merged)). If the line options.ntuple_file = 'histo_file.root'
is present in the option file, a .root file containing the mass histograms is created.
To note that the execution of the algorithm on DD events is currently not working. We removed the DD line for this MR. The error-message is:
HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Failed event detected on s: 0 e: 1
ParticleRangeFilter#3 ERROR No ClosestToBeam state
ParticleRangeFilter#3 ERROR Maximum number of errors ( 'ErrorMax':1) reached.
HLTControlFlowMgr FATAL Event failed in Node ParticleMassMonitor/Hlt2Ks0ToPiPiDDMonitoringLineKsDDMonitor
Below an example of mass histograms created for LL candidates (running over 1000 minimum bias events) is shown.